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  1. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Ok. I have the digital deluxe version of this book and there is a typo in line 5 where they added the words grain bag. In step 8 they added the line: “A bucket fermenter will assist in the transfer of cranberries.” But I don’t see any other reference of putting the cranberries into the...
  2. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Finally getting around to making this soon. How do you handle the cranberries after the soak? Purée them in a blender and add the water and fruit into the boil? It makes mention of putting them in the fermenter too, but no real directions. Help?
  3. V

    How Many Gallons of Homebrew in 2018?

    2118.5 + 5 ordinary bitter + 5 brown porter =2128.5
  4. V

    American Wheat Beer Hoppy Session Wheat Beer

    Looks great. I think a lot of people would consider this a Session NEIPA... bet the post traffic would skyrocket if you renamed it. Two questions 1. Do you notice any color change or hop flavor decrease after a month in the leg?(if it lasts that long) 2. Thoughts on adding hops to the keg...
  5. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Any tips on water additions for this? I use RO water and build from there using bru’n water. Not sure how to treat the cherries and honey.
  6. V

    How to restart fermentation in bottled imperial stout

    Thanks for the tip. I will look up alpha amylase. I was going to use CBC as it looks to be made for this.
  7. V

    Adding water salts?

    I just brewed my 4th beer using RO water and adding salts and the difference is astounding. I did the oatmeal stout, English ordinary bitter, and Scottish heavy, and am fermenting the brown porter all from brewing classic styles. I tried a few different mixes but I like the bru’n water balanced...
  8. V

    How to restart fermentation in bottled imperial stout

    TLDR: Help me dry out my aged stout. Give me ideas to dry out a bottles beer. Scroll down for experiments. Need some advice folks. I brewed an imperial stout about 2.5 years ago for a friend moving overseas for 4 years. The ideas was we would split the bottles and drink one every six months...
  9. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Oh good point. I am making some old ale with that in mind, so should just continue the trend.
  10. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Thanks guys. I am going to make a 1 gallon batch of this up for Thanksgiving this year. I figure it needs to condition a few months.
  11. V

    American Amber Ale Zach & Jack's African Amber

    That makes sense. It was 2008 when I was there. I wasn’t a homebrewer at the time, but it couldn’t have been more than 2-4oz for the whole 15gal keg. They talked about letting it mature for 2 weeks before taping but that the flavor of the beer would change as time went on. Curious as to what...
  12. V

    American Amber Ale Zach & Jack's African Amber

    Does Mac and Jack still add the “bung” with hops attached to the finished kegs? I remember when I was up there a few years ago it was a proud part of their process as they had to have the special kegs to do it. If so, it this considered a second cold dry hop?
  13. V

    Various Braggot Questions

    Thanks for this. I have this book, but have been scared to commit 5gallons to this recipe. What fermentation temp do you use with this yeast?
  14. V

    So I caved in and bought a Thermapen Mk IV last week

    I love my classic and it just keeps going. I bought the thermopop for my dad and father-in-law and they are pretty sweet. I would actually recommend them for most people if they don’t cook a lot.
  15. V

    American Wheat Beer Hoppy Session Wheat Beer

    Thanks for the recipe! I had a session Citra Wheat Saison recently that was great. May try this one with 1318 and 3711. Edit: Could you use .5 of Golden Naked Oats in place of the C20 and Oats or should it be increased?