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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. teddyk

    Brewing with Fruit for the first time

    I made a raspberry hef a few months ago. Used 3 pounds of frozen berries and simmerd them with about 1cup dextrose. Cooled the stuff down and racked over it to secondary. Its pink and has good raspberry notes but not overpowering. I watched the yeasties eat the **** out of berries, plenty of...
  2. teddyk

    Keg pressure climbs and climbs

    Keg cowboy shipped me a new regulator, everything is good to go now. Thanks everybody.
  3. teddyk

    Homebrew Supply Websites

    Its you.
  4. teddyk

    Keg pressure climbs and climbs

    Bought a brand new regulator setup from keg cowboy and hooked it up. I set the pressure to 10-12 psi and after a few hours the pressure will creep to 50psi or more. The longer it sits the higher it climbs. What am i doing wrong here.
  5. teddyk

    Upcoming Vendor Giveaway Sneak Peak

    PM me for my shipping information. Thanks!
  6. teddyk

    What are some of the mistakes you made...where your beer still turned out great!

    First batch (extract) I got hammered drinking rum and cokes. Set the kettle down put IC in wort, ran output hose into drain. I had to run a garden hose through my kitchen window because i had no where inside to attach a hose to. Went outside, turned on hose and smoked a cig. Came in, output hose...
  7. teddyk

    Wyeast 3944 & headspace

    Somewhere during my brew i miscalculated my volume and ended up with 6 gallons +-... I think my boil off wasnt what it should have been. Damn near filled my primary, headspace was minimal. Pitched the yeast and woke up to airlock blown out with krausen. I rigged up a blow off tube into some...
  8. teddyk

    How many gallons of Homebrew in 2012?

    +5 belgian trappist ale +5 heffe +5 belgian saison 1,802 + 15 = 1,817
  9. teddyk

    First all grain brew!

    *hear some opinions. Was the 60 minute sparge an issue? The ::eek:: has me wondering. I plan on doing an all grain saison soon. Any tips between now and then is appreciated.
  10. teddyk

    First all grain brew!

    Thanks guys. the yeast has been pitched and everything is finally cleaned up. I had a snafu with my wort chiller. The incoming line popped off and a little tap water made its way into the wort. Not too bad. I ended up with an og of 1.052. Im pretty pumped because i fall on the higher side of...
  11. teddyk

    First all grain brew!

    Gotta say, second batch ever and im addicted. Im sippin on my noble trappist (extract) about a week early and it tastes, looks and works spectacularly. I just started the boil on an all grain hanks hefe from midwest using my diy mash tun. It was a lot of work, but fun... Seriously, had a...
  12. teddyk

    113% effiency after 5 days?!

    I did a full boil and tried to factor in evaporation but i came in just under the 5 gallon mark. I grabbed brewpal after i boiled, next time ill follow the measurements from brewpal. Can i expect any more gravity changes over the next few weeks? Its in a glass carbouy now, do i continue to take...
  13. teddyk

    113% effiency after 5 days?!

    Thanks for the response.
  14. teddyk

    113% effiency after 5 days?!

    Been trolling the forum for a little while prior to brewing for the first time, i really do appreciate all the info and experience on here. I am doing my first brew ever ( noble trappist extract from midwest) Here are my questions / experiences: Boiled off the wort in a 30qt aluminum pot...