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  1. ReverendTap

    Dandelion wine OG adjustment calculation

    I've got my first-ever batch of dandelion wine merrily bubbling away in the primary right now. Took an OG reading before pitching, but because of the order I'm doing things in I'll need to do some adjustment to that reading, just wondering if anyone knows how to do so. The batch size was 1.75...
  2. ReverendTap

    Hops brushes for GIMP

    Awesome, thank you! :D
  3. ReverendTap

    Looking for Label & Sign talent...

    Tried responding to your PM, but I got a message saying you can't receive them. Posted my response as a comment in your profile.
  4. ReverendTap

    Looking for Label & Sign talent...

    Sounds fair. PM sent.
  5. ReverendTap

    Logo, Labels, Blogs.. oh my

    Those are really nice. Love the grunge/photocopied look. I wonder about the logo being so far away from the words "Oval Brewing Co" though, as the graphic seems a bit random on its own. That is the only thing i don't just love about these.
  6. ReverendTap

    Looking for Label & Sign talent...

    I freelance graphic and logo design, done some advertising materials as well. Can't afford to do freebies right now if that's what you have in mind, but otherwise I can PM you some samples.
  7. ReverendTap

    Hops brushes for GIMP

    That is friggin' awesome. Almost makes me want to give GIMP another shot. Almost. ;)
  8. ReverendTap

    Another First-Time Label Designer!

    I'll give my feedback on the current newest revision in the Flickr set (R11). Looking very nice. The better centering of many of the elements really helps this version over previous ones. The irregular blur outline makes the dead flower image, IMO. Since the brewery logo is no longer at...
  9. ReverendTap

    Brown Ale Label

    Simple, clean, and very pretty. Well done!
  10. ReverendTap

    Curious Frog HomeBrew

    Ha, that's pretty awesome. Do you have plans for any more text in there? The bar and space below the frog looks like it's been left open for something. The dots underneath the white box aren't centered or lined up with anything, and you might think about bringing in the sides (so that the...
  11. ReverendTap

    first attempt at label please critique

    I like the overall graphic--the stag shield pops out well, and it all has a nice old-world aesthetic to it. My thoughts for improvement: I agree with the other posters, the text blends far too much. I would consider altering the color of the text or surrounding it in a very small field of a...
  12. ReverendTap

    Glass or plastic fermenter

    I'm moving over to glass for related reasons. Haven't had infections, but the plastic buckets will permanently absorb any really strong flavors/smells that contact them (I like to brew strongly flavored and/or spiced beers). Anyone who's ever worked in food service and had to deal with pickle...
  13. ReverendTap

    Beers popular with the ladies?

    This. Of course people all have individual tastes, but there's no direct biological connection between the way those tastes trend and how many X chromosomes ya got. There's significant social pressure in our culture for women to drink "girly stuff;" that is, sweet fruity light lo-cal drinks...
  14. ReverendTap

    Is my daily beer intake unhealthy?

    Last I heard genetics and family history have at least as much, if not more, impact on overall cholesterol levels as diet. Is that no longer the current medical thinking on the issue?
  15. ReverendTap

    Beers popular with the ladies?

    Just brew good beer and don't worry about making gender-specific brews. Most of the "women like these beers" stuff is down to marketing telling people what kind of flavors they should want, not what they actually like. My wife's first love, beer-wise, was Mackeson Triple Stout.