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  1. Reidman

    Auto siphon

    Also, Pinching this section momentarily with your fingers will force all air bubbles out and then beer flows freely, unoxygenated.
  2. Reidman

    Has anyone seen this?! (yeast starter saga)

    Should this guy even be drinking beer to begin with...?! Sanitizing latex gloves, that's a new concept...
  3. Reidman

    argh! insect in my wort :-(

    I would have left him, pitched and used this as an opportunity to name your beer...Dead "fly" Ale...but seriously, I wouldn't worry about one little insect destroying a whole batch. I'd be more worried about re-boiling the wort after it's been chilled. Never heard of anyone doing that before. I...
  4. Reidman

    How does everyone clean blowoff hose?

    Mine too! Just finished a ferment with 2 packs of Notty and it blew off for two days...sounded like a hot tub in the blowoff bucket :)
  5. Reidman

    stalled fermentation on my IIPA

    One week is wayyy too early for a beer that big. I'd give it at least a month. Plus, only multiple gravity readings spaced a few days apart will tell you if you're stalled or not. It sounds like active fermentation is still going on but if you're still concerned take a reading every couple days...
  6. Reidman

    How does everyone clean blowoff hose?

    Oxyclean in hottest tap water you can get. Comes clean in 30 min to an hour...
  7. Reidman

    Carboy "tilter"

    Well if you can stick it in a fridge and cold crash it (works well if you're kegging), that sediment turns to clay and you can pretty much move the auto siphon all around without fear of disturbing the cake. I tried this for the first time on last batch and just dropped the siphon all the way...
  8. Reidman

    The worst trials yield the greatest rewards

    Ice cold is tolerable but when it sits in the can for 40min with my hand wrapped around it, warms up pretty fast and that's when it becomes undrinkable for me. Moot point really as I almost always bring my own beer, just on some occasions that has not been possible. I just choose not to drink...
  9. Reidman

    brew day from hell? need advice asap!

    Always a good idea to have many extras of things like stoppers and airlocks. Like others have said you should get another one on there with airlock ASAP. With tinfoil, once fermentation subsides, you run the risk of air entering carboy.
  10. Reidman

    Can you Brew It recipe for Stone Arrogant Bastard

    Having drank this many times now, I just can't see how the IBU's in this beer are any less than 100..It's why I like this brew as much as I do because I'm a hophead...:rockin:
  11. Reidman

    Can you Brew It database

    I think once you've loaded the recipes into beersmith, you can export them as a .bsm file to somewhere on your computer. Then upload them here for people to use. Agree though this could be time consuming...
  12. Reidman

    Can you Brew It database

    This would be awesome!
  13. Reidman

    homebrewing costs

    +1 The beer I like can go for 7$-9$ a bomber in stores. On average a batch will cost me around 20-30 depending on hop quantities, yeast type etc... I buy grain in bulk so that helps. So in a 5 gallon batch, I've saved roughly 170$ for comparable brew/styles. I made it, it sits in a keg in my...
  14. Reidman

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you've had more than one person ask you if you're running a meth lab out of your garage...
  15. Reidman

    Just how bad ass is Star San?

    Seems like I'm the only one here who still uses star-san much better than that? I haven't had any sanitization issues to date using the iodine but am always willing to change if it produces better results.