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  1. R

    How do I open this plastic beer keg?

    So I emailed the rep that sent me the keg. As it turns out, these type of kegs are in fact, designed to be used once and recycled. The tabs around the outside of the valve are impossible to push in without destroying the valve altogether. Boo. I was really excited about this thing. The rep...
  2. R

    How do I open this plastic beer keg?

    We had a meeting with one of our equipment reps from Germany awhile back. I mentioned I brew my own beer, which they said they have these plastic kegs that I could try out; and they would ship it to me for free. I didn't believe them. Here's what arrived at the office today: I put my...
  3. R

    Brewhouse efficiency is in the toilet!

    Haha I should just add milk! Thanks for all the help everyone. I've got a sharp eye on those kids at the LHBS. Will have to see how this brew turns out...
  4. R

    Brewhouse efficiency is in the toilet!

    Needless to say, my setup isn't the best. Just thought I would give fly sparging a try...I would still expect more than 1.022 OG coming out of the mash. ...And if I haven't angered the beer gods enough, I come home from work and I find this: Awesome. Frickin awesome. Total party foul...
  5. R

    Brewhouse efficiency is in the toilet!

    The braided hose worked great when I was batch sparging. Was seeing around 70% efficiency. False bottoms for my 10 gal cooler are on back-order from :mad: I use the lid for the cooler when I let the grain sit for an hour at 150F, then took it off when I was fly sparging. Had no...
  6. R

    Brewhouse efficiency is in the toilet!

    Hi all. It's been a long time since my last brew (had to live with the parents for awhile, but that's another story...) I put together EdWort's Robust Porter recipe. Here it is from BeerSmith: Type: All Grain Date: 3/27/2010 Batch Size: 5.00 gal Brewer: Frosty Boil Size: 6.41 gal...
  7. R

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Okay, so here's the update on this brew: I came up with 1.072 OG into the brew kettle. I used the "hybrid fly/batch sparge" presented by Biermuncher's sticky. The brew sat in the fermenter for two weeks, and came out at 1.018. Bottled this puppy up, using 5.6 oz of corn sugar (for 2.9 vols...
  8. R

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    I didn't see brown sugar anywhere in Beersmith. Is this something that would be manually added? I saw the light and dark brown sugars at the store. I went with the light. I also noticed this pumpkin pie mix contains "sugar syrup" as one of the ingredients. I'm wondering if I should cut back...
  9. R

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Ok, I will try that. Especially since the store wont take the cans back (jerks) Next question: what fermentation temp should I use? I went to the LHBS yesterday, and picked up Crystal hops at 3.5% AA. Apparently, it is the same thing as Hallertaur. I also put this recipe into...
  10. R

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Not sure if anyone is still looking at this thread, but I will be attempting this recipe tomorrow...just one thing... I picked up two cans of the Libby's pumpkin pie mix, but it turns out it's not the "unspiced" kind (or at least it doesn't say that anywhere on the can). It seems the store I...
  11. R

    What can I make out of this?

    Side note: :off: Weirdboy: For some reason I went stalker status and saw you brew very similar to how I do: on the stove across two burners. I like how you dressed up your boil pot. How did u fashion the "heat skirt" around the bottom? Also, where did you get the insulation material...
  12. R

    What can I make out of this?

    Lexus, I approve. I've been meaning to try a brown, but didn't find any recipes that fit what I had. Must have missed that one. With the 0.5# of flaked barley I have, I would need 0.62# of cara-pils/dextrine. Unfortunately, I don't have enough Cascade or Northern Brewer hops, looks like I...
  13. R

    What can I make out of this?

    I was thinking about that too. I REALLY wish I would have saved the yeast from this last batch. I've researched yeast washing, but I was not prepared enough to do it on bottling day. There are certainly things I would have done different. (i.e. the recipe called for malto-dextrin, and I...
  14. R

    What can I make out of this?

    haha maybe I should clarify. Obviously, I can't do anything with what I've got. I'm looking for something that uses what I've got.
  15. R

    What can I make out of this?

    Here's what I have left after putting together EdWort's Robust Porter (turned out awesome btw) 1.5 oz Cascade 1 oz Northern Brewer 0.5 # Flaked Barley I've done quite a bit of searching, I can't seem to find a recipe that uses both northern brewer and cascade hops. Any suggestions for what I...