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  1. P

    Why is everyone not doing this?

    When I try to convince people to brew, I always point out how favorably it compares to golf. Cheaper, doesn't require an entire day away from the family, less frustrating. . .
  2. P

    Arguing about differences in taste

    It uses saffron rather than hops (it gets a little hops). It's a really odd and strong tasting spice. Maybe that's it.
  3. P

    Arguing about differences in taste

    You see, I actually have had a lot of good conversations that start out that way.
  4. P

    Arguing about differences in taste

    From another thread: I am curious what other people think about this. I tend to think that arguing about the merits and demerits of beer has its value, so long as you say more than "I like it" or "I don't." For instance, when I say something good about a beer, I don't just mean "I like it"...
  5. P

    Dogfish Head - Rare Brews?

    The relevant definition of gimmick is "a trick or device used to attract business or attention." I think finding an ingredient from each continent is a gimmick. Does water from Antarctica taste different from normal water? No? Then it's a gimmick. I don't have a problem with that, but it...
  6. P

    Dogfish Head - Rare Brews?

    I like most of DFH's stuff, despite the fact that people can be hard on them here. I think Pangea is a really good beer, and have found it here in Boston for $12. I think its "season" is around thanksgiving. I believe Sah'Tea is out now, which I think is even better. Also $12. Honestly...
  7. P

    Sam Adams Octoberfest on the prowl

    Whoa! Sam Pumpkin? How is it?
  8. P

    Sam Adams Octoberfest on the prowl

    Jeez, what is it? Is it that people like to drink beer to get ready for the next season rather than drink it in appropriate season? Is it that having an Octoberfest gets people ready for fall even when it is 95 degrees out? I'm not complaining. I do a bit of this myself. But I find it amusing.
  9. P

    Pumpkin Beer Sighting

    I wonder if it just that its available ow and people can't get it all the time that makes it exciting. I think ShipYard is really the bottom of the barrel when it comes to pumpkin beers, perhaps with the exception of Wolaver's.
  10. P

    Pumpkin Beer Sighting

    I saw my first pumpkin beer of the year today--- Brooklyn's Post Road. Today is August 6, and most of the country is experiencing a heat wave. Something to remember when there isn't a pumpkin beer to be found during the first week of November!
  11. P

    Chelsea Brewing Company in NYC

    Went to Burp Castle this trip, and thought it was great. Ginger Man is the other one I found that I liked a lot (went there a few months ago). I also have been to Heartland. The beer was fine. Nothing to rave about. No complaints, though. I love McSorley's!
  12. P

    Chelsea Brewing Company in NYC

    I went to this place a while back for a few beers. It was beautiful-- right on the Hudson. And the beer was pretty good--- I liked their imperial stout. So my wife and I were back in NYC and went back for dinner. Whoa. The food was sooooo bad. Bad enough to ruin the beer. I left a half...
  13. P

    didn't carbonate

    no, 5 oz of prime sugar does not make it sweet. But it is a little above the 10% max for my yeast, so I was wondering if adding more yeast would ferment too much sugar and cause bottle bombs.
  14. P

    didn't carbonate

    Is there any risk of creating bottle bombs? If the yeast I used quit fermenting at a certain point, and I use something else, might it ferment a whole lot more than I want it to?
  15. P

    didn't carbonate

    oh, so that's my problem, then, huh? I need to get some other yeast and add it to the bottles. Dumb mistake.