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  1. pondochris

    Over carbed in keg

    Last time it happened to me I just turned down the pressure on my regualtor and pulled the release a couple times each day. I had normal carb levels in 3-4 days. Don't try to wedge open your pressure release valve by any means.
  2. pondochris

    Golden Promise and...? Help me choose an English hop for SMaSH bitter

    Founders brewing company here in Grand Rapids puts out a seasonal called Mosaic Promise which is a smash of Mosiac hops and Golden Promise. It's very tasty.
  3. pondochris

    Three dollar stir plate

    I'd just try it and see. I tried mine. With the knob all the way on the fan ran at full speed but turning it down just the tiniest amount turned off the fan. If it works it works, the only thing you'd need to keep an eye on is that it doesn't get too hot I think. I don't have much experience...
  4. pondochris

    Three dollar stir plate

    I decided I would build a stir plate from stuff I had lying around the house. Between my basement and garage I managed to source almost 100% of the materials for free :) Making a mess... Dirty old case fan. I found some old magenetic nametag backs and popped off the magenets...
  5. pondochris

    Using Soda Stream on Samples??

    I do it all the time with my hydrometer samples. I follow the same steps as you pretty much. I find I can get more carbonation with the beer level below the needle, more room for the foam to rise without the mess I guess. I pump it until it buzzes then let it sit connected for about 5 minutes...
  6. pondochris

    Mobile Apps?

    I have an Android phone and tablet. I use Brewr for recipe construction, notes and boil timer. BrewersFriend has a decent app with a bunch of calculators. Once I do my calculations (usually water volumes and temps) I put it in the notes in my recipe in Brewr.
  7. pondochris

    5 days past my wife's due date, baby coming any minute and here I am brewing.

    Awesome! My fist ever brew was on the day my wife went into labor with our first child.
  8. pondochris

    Any homebrew activity in the tri cities area?

    If you haven't found a brew club yet, I would give Cork N Ale a call. They are on M-47 between Freeland and Saginaw. They may have contact info for a local club as they seem to be a popular supplier for homebrew stuffs. (my mom just bought me a 50lb bag of 2-row for my Christmas present :)...)...
  9. pondochris

    All Centennial IPA

    I highly recommend brewing an all centennial IPA. My favorite is Bells Two Hearted Ale. I've brewed it but used 2 oz dry hop and it tasted amazing. Very close...
  10. pondochris

    PSA: Calibrate Controller & Probe

    Wouldn't a lower reading result in a higher temp rather than freezing the kegs?
  11. pondochris

    New to All Grain

    A kit is just a recipe that's put together in a box. I'd say find one you like and just go for it. See if you can email the recipe to your LHBS. They will be able to reply with suggestions for substitutions if they are out of something. They should be happy to get everything together for you...
  12. pondochris

    Critique/Advice on My First Brew (thorough with pictures)

    This. I'd brew something that finishes quick ASAP to get the taste of beer on my tongue. I can't stand waiting for big long brews without having other homebrew to drink. Wet grain = fruit flies = unhappy wife :( in my house...
  13. pondochris

    First brew recap- criticism/suggestions welcome Yooper's Hoppy Ale recipe

    congrats! Make sure to take notes so you can get your water volumes dialed in and the mistakes corrected you'll get better and better each batch. Software helps. I have Brewsmith on my PC but mostly use apps on my android phone(Brewr for recipe and notes and brewers friend for calcs.) That...
  14. pondochris

    48 hours in, no bubbles

    If you're using a bucket fermenter you probably just have a leaky lid. Both of my buckets never bubble through the airlock. All my beers end up fine (except 2 that fermented too warm this summer).