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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. P

    Wee Heavy Smoky Roasty Scotch Ale

    To me, it's not truly a Scottish ale without a wee bit of peated malt. I like to add 50-100g (2-4 oz) in the steep for a 19L (5 gal) batch. YMMV
  2. P

    Now in Angola (Africa, not Indiana)

    So... life in China didn't work out so well. I could deal with all the odd behaviors of the people, but my employer (a UK run company) made life there unbearable. So now I'm in Angola and enjoying it for the most part. There are challenges to being here too, but at least I have started...
  3. P

    Now in China!

    Hey that's awesome! Ya, we're in Hangzhou so we do plan on getting over to Shanghai soon to go to Ikea. I'll pm you with my phone number. I saw an ad a few months ago when I was in Kuwait for a Chinese distributor selling Corny kegs for $10 apiece (no minimum) but I lost all my bookmarks and...
  4. P

    Now in China!

    Hey fellow brewsters! I'm just dropping by to say hello and that my wife and I have been in China now for 2 weeks and just loving it. The people are warm and welcoming, despite the lack of communication. The food is amazing and cheap. The free bicycle rentals (where we live) makes...
  5. P Gift Certificate Contest

    lifetime members should get extra special consideration!
  6. P

    Cool Brewing Giveaway!

    Do I qualify for special consideration? I should because I have been home brewing in Kuwait for the past 3 years where all alcohol production, distribution, and consumption are strictly forbidden. I deserve one just for hazard pay! :drunk: And the good folks at Cool Brewing are so COOOOOL they...
  7. P

    Any Home Brew supply stores in Stuttgart Germany?

    Hi guys, At first I thought I was posting to a current thread, but then noticed the original dates, so... sorry for the resurrection. BUT... Do any of you guys know if there is a hobbybrauer shop in Frankfurt AM? I live in Kuwait, but I do pass through FRA a couple times a year. I tried...
  8. P

    Strange Brew java

    Jim, Drew, et al... I just dl'd StrangeBrew 2.0.1 and it looks pretty sweet. (And I teach Java.) My only problem is that I can't import a BeerXML file (below) that I dl'd from here. I'll be honest tho, I haven't tried any others yet. I'm running it on Mac OSX 10.4.11 <?xml version="1.0"...
  9. P

    Salaam Aleikum from Kuwait!

    Ya, I'm not sure what the rules are either because in Q8, all rules are just suggestions anyway. But all of the (100s of) Muslims I've met there use the Arabic "Salaam aleikum" and it's response "Wa aleikum salaam" to everyone, Muslim or not. It would be nice to brew openly or to go sit at a...
  10. P

    Salaam Aleikum from Kuwait!

    Haha! I finally saw that show for the first time a few nights ago. Scary $#!+.
  11. P

    New Brewer from North Carolina

    Any of you guys brewing soon? Mind if I come see your setup/process/etc?
  12. P

    Salaam Aleikum from Kuwait!

    Hi guys, I had a guest account for a year, then I finally created a free account and now I'm a proud lifetime member. Anyway... I live in Kuwait most of the year where all alcohol production and consumption is strictly prohibited, which means... I just have to be reeeally sneaky about it. :)...
  13. P

    Dried Molasses for Starter?

    So why are you guys poo-pooing molasses as a nutrient? It's what the yeast producers use. Granted, they do add other nutrients, but the primary ingredient for their nutrient is molasses. Ask them! Ok, here's a blurb from the Dakota Yeast site: Yeast Production Alright, so they are talking...