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  1. PavlovsCat

    Yooper - this thread's for you

    Knowing that you're a big Redwings fan, what will you be drinking for the finals? Or will you be at the game drinking commercial swill? On every other occasion I usually support the Wings, but being from Pittsburgh originally and learning to play hockey trying to emulate the Penguins players, I...
  2. PavlovsCat

    Adding Sugar during fermentation........

    I brewed a Maple Brown Ale in which I added 8 0z of pure maple syrup, after 3 days in the carboy.(I guess this would usually correspond with high krausen) OG was 1.052 and final was 1.012 which is 5.2%ABV. So I didn't get a big boost in alcohol but the flavor was great. Of course the amount...
  3. PavlovsCat

    Pitching temp vs fermentation temp

    Normally, after a run thru the CFC my wort - this being Florida- is around 80 degrees. I take the carboy inside for a while to let the A/C do it's stuff, and I'm usually pitching around 75 degrees. I then use the bathtub as a swamp cooler to achieve a lower fermentation temp. My question...
  4. PavlovsCat

    Hydrometer question?

    I use a Fermtec Wine Thief and take the hydrometer readings in it, then hit the release on the bottom in a cup and taste the sample. I don't have a proper sample jar for the hydro - so the thief works out great.
  5. PavlovsCat

    Hope my wife isn't mad!

    Look at it this way: Brewing equipment - hundreds Ingredients - $129.00 Drinking the product of your own labors - PRICELESS
  6. PavlovsCat

    Shaken, Not Stirred

    I have nightmares about falling on the stairs with my carboy, since I use the upstairs bathtub as a swamp cooler-I live in Florida. Then I have to bring it back down when I bottle. Going up is definitely easier than coming down. I use a brew hauler and it seems to make life a lot easier. I...
  7. PavlovsCat

    Beer in the Bahamas

    Kalik is the mouthwash you use to get the salty taste out of your mouth from all the watersports you'll be doing, right? Nothing gets the salt out like beer. Cheaper the better. Then enjoy the 40,000 rum drinks that they seem to have there. Somehow rum just tastes better in the Bahamas, mon.
  8. PavlovsCat

    Does a witbier need to be racked to secondary?

    I have a Honey Weizen in the primary at present. It's been there for 3.5 weeks and I plan to bottle this weekend. So I'll be able to conduct my own young vs. old taste test as time goes on. Every beer I've done so far just gets better and better with age. My first brew was 9 mos ago, a SNPA...
  9. PavlovsCat

    Bottle carbonated commercial beers

    Which American craft beers are naturally carbonated? Is it supposed to be listed on the bottle somewhere? Is there a list on this forum that I missed? People talk about harvesting yeast from bottles. Would be pretty difficult if the beer wasn't bottle carbonated first. I know Sierra Nevada...
  10. PavlovsCat

    Do you like to cook?

    I love to brew, love to eat - make damn good reservations.
  11. PavlovsCat

    Roaches at the brew store....

    Do you have to mash the roaches, or can they be steeped? What temperature is the cockroach rest? Probably would be a good supply of FAN.
  12. PavlovsCat

    Whats the deal with "dog" and brewing names?

    Because dogs drink beer. You never catch a cat slurping up spilled brew. Or a parrot. Or do you? Do llamas like beer?
  13. PavlovsCat

    Lesson Learned (Learnt!)

    Pipeline management could be one of the most daunting tasks in homebrewing. Nothing worse than going to the fridge to get one of your favorites and find that you are running low and you haven't made more or it's not far enough along in the brewing process. Then I tend to get stingy. The...
  14. PavlovsCat

    Perfect Beer for the Divorce/Final Alimony Party

    Some of these brews would have a lot of bitter-ing units.
  15. PavlovsCat

    Perfect Beer for the Divorce/Final Alimony Party

    How could I have forgotten that one? BTW, glad to see the "Wings" back up on your avatar. One of my favorite players of all time. That is Steve Y, right? I'm getting computer eyes staring at the screen in low light.