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  1. M

    Coffee Beer?

    I tried an espresso bock lager at a local brewery and it was excellent. I don't really have the means to do a ale it is. I'm not really looking for a kit, just a recipe ( I am going to the lhbs today). thanks again
  2. M

    Coffee Beer?

    Does anyone know where I can find a good coffee porter/stout recipe? I am looking for an extract recipe for a sweet stout/porter, something that isn't too dry. Has anyone seen a recipe on the web or have one of their own they would like to share. I would appreciate any help.......thanks...
  3. M

    Take a look at my recipe

    Well i want balance!!! I think i need to think more about the science of things to make sure i am balanced. Thank you so much for your is appreciated.
  4. M

    Take a look at my recipe

    How will that change the taste? More hop aroma and less bitterness?
  5. M

    Take a look at my recipe

    I have been brewing for a couple years now and have tried some partial mash recipes but mostly extract. I just don't have the space for it. But I have been tinkering with recipes lately and I have put a few together to create this one. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on this one, I...
  6. M

    IPA with Liberty Hops

    just threw it in last night, i am sure it will work out great!!
  7. M

    IPA with Liberty Hops

    I am making an IPA and have extra Liberty hops, would it be ok to just throw them in?
  8. M

    one thing about hops or two!

    thanks, i am just starting to use fresh hops and partial mash batches. I cant believe how many variable there are. But i know that my beer will be better in the long run, and that is what i'm in this for "the beer"!!!!!!!
  9. M

    one thing about hops or two!

    Ok, are leaf hops the same as whole. I saw them on austin homebrew supply and was just curious. Also, is it the same ratio for whole hops to pellet when following a recipe? Hope i am not asking too many questions, this website is really beneficial and kicks ass! msleeve_ak
  10. M

    What is your favorite commerical beer?

    Ok where to begin, here is just a short list (to many beers, to little time) Guiness (on tap only) Boddingtons Yeuingling Kostritzer octoberfest pyramid hefeweizen as for alaska beers: Alaskan amber and oatmeal stout are excellent and moose's tooths pipeline stout topped with...
  11. M

    More Alcohol please!!!!!

    Thanks, i always appreciate the help.
  12. M

    half batches

    is it ok to use a 6.5 gal carboy to ferment only 2.5 gal of brew? Or will there be too much o2 in it? thanks
  13. M

    Hop preference poll

    ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, are leaf hops the same as whole. I saw them on austin homebrew supply and was just curious. Also, is it the same ratio for whole hops to pellet when following a recipe? Hope i am not asking too many questions, this...
  14. M

    More Alcohol please!!!!!

    What about the yeast, how much is too much. will more yeast break down more of the sugar or do i have this all wrong!
  15. M

    More Alcohol please!!!!!

    ok, what if i don't want a really sweet beer. Then what?