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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    Belgium Ale bottling

    I recently read about adding yeast to beers with either high gravities and pooped out yeast, or to beers that have sat in long secondaries. I've never had to. And am wary of what adding yeast to a bottle would do to the flavor profile you've worked so hard to achieve. I could be wrong. I...
  2. M

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you're not actually brewing, but you find a reason to tinker with something every day, racking to secondary, washing yeast, formulating a recipe for next month.
  3. M

    Will a stainless steel screw in my fermenter rust?

    So! After racking to secondary, dumping the trub and yeast cake I retrieved the little rascal. And as we predicted no rust. And no it was not magnetic either. I actually pinged one of my engineer friends I used to work with and he said stainless steel is non-ferrous, meaning not containing...
  4. M

    Doctor say's I no more beer. Drink vodka instead.

    Its about either burning more, or consuming less calories than you are now. 1500 calories is tough, but doable. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months and kept drinking beer on the weekends. I basically cut all carbs, except for high fiber cereal in the morning. grilled chicken/fish with...
  5. M

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you meet a pro brewer at a tap takover event, and you shamelessly work the fact that you're a homebrewer into the conversation any way you can.
  6. M

    Will a stainless steel screw in my fermenter rust?

    So my brew day went without a hitch until I noticed one of the plastic blades from my wort aerator is floating in my carboy. The stainless nut that came loose must in in there as well. It is advertised as stainless, but if I leave it in there for a week before racking to secondary, will it...
  7. M

    No Nonsense Stout

    Bingo. Don't let it soak. Wet the oats briefly spread evenly on a non-stick tray or foil or whatever and STIR A LOT. It took me quite a while to figure out the temp in the oven and it took well over and hour to get a dark brownie color. If you have a fancy toaster oven u...
  8. M

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When live in an apartment and you store your homebrew stuff in multiple places such as, a hollow box end table, the top shelf of the pantry, under the dining room table, and in a cardboard box in the corner of the bedroom. And when your wife complains to friends that your homebrew stuff is all...
  9. M

    What the Best Gluten Free Grain(s)

    I have had success with a blend of toasted Oats, millet and sprouted buckwheat. I sprouted, dried, toasted and malted myself. Not too hard, just time consuming. Specifically for malt character, dried chestnut chips are supposed to add a true "Beer Flavor" to gluten free beers. Unfortunately...
  10. M

    mass bottle cleaning?

    If you're willing to make a small investment, I recommend buying a Jet Bottle Washer that attaches to your sink faucet, a Vinator Bottle washer, and a bottle tree. Typically after finishing a beer, I will rinse the bottle to get the beer and yeast out. But on bottling day, I used to rinse each...
  11. M

    How does gravity change by adding D-180 Dark Candi Syrup during fermentation?

    Soooo...I think I may have found my noob error. I just bought a fancy shiny new Refractometer and used it for this batch. My mistake is that I did not know (until now) that in order to take a final gravity reading I would have to calculate and correct for alcohol. Or just use my...
  12. M

    How does gravity change by adding D-180 Dark Candi Syrup during fermentation?

    I attempted to make a batch of Northern Brewer's all-grain "Big Honkin Stout". Long story short, my OG came in low at 1.055, and after 4 weeks in primary my FG was stock at 1.031. (OG target was 1.068...) I had a healthy starter of Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale Yeast. My Mash temp was a bit...
  13. M

    Cider - Blowoff??

    I made a 4 gallon batch in a 5 gallon carboy this weekend with WLP775 English Cider Yeast, and after 24 hours cider was coming up through the airlock. I attached a blow off tube this morning before work. My OG was 1.063 with just under 2 lbs of brown sugar added. Interesting side note...I...
  14. M

    No Nonsense Stout

    I found the negative reviews surprising! I brewed igliashon's recipe with a few relatively minor tweaks and came out with very good results. It does not taste like a non-GF beer obviously, but it definitely tastes A LOT better than most of the commercial GF beers out there. Plus its a...