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  1. md20_20

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    By rights the winners should be among the regular posters who offer so much information to help. But pick me anyway. ;-)
  2. md20_20

    Large Giveaway - Fermenter, Mash Paddles, Thermapen

    username: md20_20 I'm a fountain of imagination on usernames.
  3. md20_20

    Perlick Faucet Problem

    I had a similar problem with some 525ss faucets and the less expensive plated shanks. I was only able to find one combination of faucet and shank out of the set whose teeth would mate sufficiently well to allow me to get the faucet far enough onto the shank to make a seal. I should note that the...
  4. md20_20

    Perlick Group Buy

    Got mine in Alabama, thanks Jeff!
  5. md20_20

    240v Extension cord?

    Depends on the current draw required. I am not an electrician but I have seen numerous references that state that for a 240V/30A extension cord, it's acceptable to use 10 gauge cable. 10/3 SJO is what you're looking for. Here's a good thread on this, ironically with the same title as this...
  6. md20_20

    Hello from Eastern Alabama

    Welcome! I started about this time last year and now have 100 gallons under my belt (literally, you should see my gut :o). You're going to really enjoy this hobby. By the way if you haven't already, you should browse over to and send a...
  7. md20_20

    Hi from Sweet Home Alabama!

    Hi Bryson, First, thanks for serving. I truly appreciate your sacrifice. In addition to the excellent advice here, there's a homebrew store in Birmingham called Alabrew ( that can help you get started. There are also several in the Atlanta area including Brewmaster's...
  8. md20_20

    Is THIS too good to be true?? possible instant kegerator

    Wouldn't you be missing the carbonation step? The beer in a carboy is still flat.
  9. md20_20

    General Arduino Discussion

    I looked at those things too. The application SparkFun shows is a good use but even there he has some trouble with it. (The kegerator on the whole is a tour de force, I love the switches that capture the faucet state.) I was trying to figure out how to get individual weights on the cornies in my...
  10. md20_20

    General Arduino Discussion

    Money is right - load cells aren't cheap. I was looking into doing something like that and the price went right out the window. Back to the topic of interfacing an Arduino: they have serial I/O and all you have to do is write a little routine to listen to the input and act. scoates has a...
  11. md20_20

    My filter setup

    I'm interested in whether the 5 micron string filter actually works. I am assembling a similar equipment setup and I was planning to use the string filter. For some reason I had it in my head that the 1 micron charcoal filter would remove flavor components. If that's not the case I'd like to...
  12. md20_20

    General Arduino Discussion

    The examples on make it easy to learn by progressive editing - pick out a program that does something you can observe, then tweak it a little, see what happens, etc. Just don't try to make it do too much. I went through an overzealous phase with mine where I built lots of...
  13. md20_20

    Web Controlled All-in-One Temp Controller

    It's a resistor you use to pull the line high when there's no load. They are used in circuits where you want the line high at all times unless somebody actvely wants to pull it down to 0. In the case of the DS18B20 in parasite mode, you want the DQ line to be high when the controller isn't...
  14. md20_20

    Web Controlled All-in-One Temp Controller

    Update: I am able to read as many as 4 DS18B20 sensors in powered mode with this board. (I only have 4 to test with so I can't say if all 8 that are claimed by CAI will work.) Two of these are at the end of 100' of 6 wire telephone cable I bought at Walmart, the wires of which are solid core and...
  15. md20_20

    Web Controlled All-in-One Temp Controller

    Distance doesn't affect the reading itself. The DS18B20 is a digital thermometer, so the temp reading is completely handled in the device, and it sends a digital reading back to the controller. The issue I had with distance had to do with the signaling to and from the device from the controller...