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  1. jawats

    Indiana Home Brewing Eq for Sale

    All, Having reached the point where it was necessary for me to give up alcohol entirely, I am selling my home brewing equipment. None of it is professional grade, but it has served me well. Here's a link to the Craigslist advert. Let me know if you have questions...
  2. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

    Oops! Clarification: I meant for carbing it, not for sweetening.
  3. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

    Many thanks. I think that's a good idea. I will give it another week in secondary, then carb it. Do you use apple juice, honey, maple syrup, corn sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, sugar in the raw, or...?
  4. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

    All, I started this cider - - a few weeks back. I just moved this to secondary - went from 1.060 to 1.000 - 8% ABV or thereabouts. It has a slightly bitter flavor. Would y'all recommend leaving it in secondary, adding stevia and bottling...
  5. jawats

    Cider Sweetening Help

  6. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    Stevia + Erythritol from Target - tested...BLAH...
  7. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    All, I stared this cider - - a few weeks back. I just moved this to secondary - went from 1.060 to 1.000 - 8% ABV or thereabouts. It has a slightly bitter flavor. Would y'all recommend leaving it in secondary, adding stevia and bottling...
  8. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    I will do so. My thinking was that grape / apple blends can be quite good, so I decided to try the same...fermented.
  9. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    Did you like the result? That term, "difference," does not imply a good outcome, automatically. :)
  10. jawats

    Apple / Grape Cider

    All, I recently started a cider with 4.5 gallons apple cider (from Costco - no preservatives, seasonal...good stuff) and .5 gallon grape juice by Paul Newman (also de Costco). I sprinkled a packet of Cider House Select Cider yeast. OG - 1.060 I suspect the grape won't leave enough of a...
  11. jawats

    TART Cider

    All, Made a hard cider using 5 gallons of apple cider, plus 2 cans of concentrate. Started with regular yeast, which didn't really go for long, then added champagne yeast as a secondary yeast, which I then let ferment for over three months, one month in primary, 2+ in secondary. I went to...
  12. jawats

    Cider Stalled?

    Potentially, although there's no sorbate on the ingredient list. And, I recall the estimated FG was 6.5 - 7%, based on the initial OG. I'll keep it locked and watch it for awhile longer...if nothing doing, I may repitch with a starter.
  13. jawats

    Cider Stalled?

    White Labs WLP775 Unfortunately, while I thought I had written down the OG, I did not. The gravity when I moved it from primary to secondary was at 0.
  14. jawats

    Cider Stalled?

    All, I added 7 oz. of molasses to my cider about a week after moving it to secondary. A week later, I've noticed little activity (no bubbling). Does molasses take awhile, or could this be stalled and need a re-pitch? Thanks! --Jonathan