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  1. Emyrs

    Hard Root Beer

    you added the syrup when you bottled? i think youre going to have to be really really careful with those... over pressurized glass vessels are fun!
  2. Emyrs

    SO, this is probably frowned upon here :P (bread yeast and store bought apple juice)

    woo! prison hooch! heh... jk.. its gonna get you drunk.. thats for sure. but if you're looking for good flavor as well? mmmm not so much. for some terminology... you currently made a blow off tube. these work great when your dealing with ferments that might overfill your vessel capacity...
  3. Emyrs

    2011 San Diego NHC

  4. Emyrs

    Who's smoking meat this weekend?

    jumped into my first adventure with smoking today: I made a bacon explosion and a small pork shoulder bacon explosion is amazinnnnnnng! but ive already figured out a few things im going to do different next time. i...
  5. Emyrs

    American Wheat Beer Widmer Hefeweizen American Wheat

    Im going to assume its for the sparge... a lot of people mash out as their sparge. but some like to have an actual mash out step, then sparge after.
  6. Emyrs

    Accidentally Too Much Extract

    ****ing magnets! how do they work!?
  7. Emyrs

    Accidentally Too Much Extract

    another trick is to use sodium chloride.. regular table salt... to separate dark dme from light dme... since you have a pound of light dme... use approx 200g of regular table salt... they should separate out and you can siphon the top bit off(the light dme)
  8. Emyrs

    New Brewer from San Diego!

    Ill kill you so hard!!!! =P you try the DG clone yet? im gonna go pour a pint..
  9. Emyrs

    New Brewer from San Diego!

    welcome to HBT! theres a few of us from sd on the forum.. theyve helped me a lot with a few problems that ive had. good luck with that german amber!
  10. Emyrs

    I went to Acapulco :)

    welcome back! now get everything ready for the keezer unveiling!
  11. Emyrs

    Holiday Porter

    lets see if i can critique a beer... ahem: Poured a dark brown with two fingers of a light brown head.. nice and roasty on the taste with a definite kick at the end from the moderate alcohol content and the slight mingling of spices.. the smell reminds me of..... you know what.. eff...
  12. Emyrs

    Holiday Porter

    :D not the best photo. but the beer was quite good
  13. Emyrs

    Yet another Keezer build begins...

    wooooo go grem! cant wait to see how it turns out.. and what design elements i can steal :D
  14. Emyrs


    Hey DB, hate to be a thread-o-mancer.. but how did the changes work out for this brew? Ive just switched over to AG (literally just got the cooler conversion bits in the post) and my first couple AGs will be a blonde and a apa. but after that i really want to make a roggen. it is by far my...
  15. Emyrs

    Alco Ginger Beer

    brewed up a 1gallon batch tonight.. OG was 1.053 .. so a bit higher then your revised estimate... i boiled water and then just poured that over all the ginger and zest and then added the sugar and honey.. I let it steep until it cooled to room temp then strained out all the bits and into the...