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  1. D

    ITC 1000 Issue?

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! We have a winner right here. I switched the heater wires and it worked. Different than the schematic but who am I to argue with results :rockin:
  2. D

    Hardwire Stc-1000 into freezer

    I really hope you don't mind but...I'm gonna piggy back onto this because I'm hard-wiring a heater in this same fashion but it is not working for me. I have the inkbird which is the same setup. Any thoughts since I see you've got it to work?
  3. D

    ITC 1000 Issue?

    Hey guys! I'm wiring up my unit and can't get it to flip on the heater. Instead of wiring it to an outlet I'm taking a direct approach and wiring the heater right in line. I believe my wiring is right but just want to double check with all of you. The unit turns on, functions correctly and the...
  4. D

    Boulevard Rye-on-Rye

    Sorry, I forgot to be clear about that! I did 5Gal of the barleywine...and will be doing 5Gal of the Rye, too...but I would age some in the barrel..bottle about 2 gallons straight out of the secondary and then dry hop and bottle the other 2 gallons.
  5. D

    Boulevard Rye-on-Rye

    Hey all! I just got a 3L barrel from . I'm going to condition the barrel with some red wine first, then I will be aging a barleywine that was brewed back in November. I want to do a big rye next. Rye-On-Rye by boulevard is of course a world class example. My question...
  6. D

    Ever Seen This Malt

    Thanks for the re! What are your thoughts on using it for a base malt?
  7. D

    Ever Seen This Malt

    I know it's nothing amazing. I just cant find much info about it online, even at the muntons site (which sucks for info in general). I am making an Amber ale. Was going to use just plane ol' two row as my base malt and then saw this at the LHBS. Can it be used as my base malt? I would assume so...
  8. D

    Simple Oktoberfest (Ale) Recipe

    How about dropping the C20 all together and adding the munich 20 (but in less quantity than the munich in there now.). The other grains would have to be adjusted to get back in style...and it would minimize the 'moving parts' in this brew. Sounds like an excuse for a swamp cooler! :ban:
  9. D

    Simple Oktoberfest (Ale) Recipe

    Noted and noted. Added the pils, deleted the caramunich. What crystal did you use? 40? I rejiggered with 60, but could easily switch. The ol gravity/hops graph pegs this at 'slightly malty'. I can only drop it to about 67-70...Probably should go with the kolsch then, eh? I only used the S-04...
  10. D

    Simple Oktoberfest (Ale) Recipe

    I just adjusted the Vienna to 7lbs and the Munich to 3lbs. I'm keeping Pilsner malt out in the interest of color and maltyness. I also upped the caramunich to between that and the 40 I'm sitting at about 12% of grist. Think that will be too overpowering? The S-04 is clean enough, isn't it?
  11. D

    Any suggestions on how to save my beer?

    Crazy idea: How much head space do you have? 5 gallons of beer in a 6 gallon carboy? If so you have about 1/2 gallon of wiggle room that you could use. Bring 3/4 gallon water to mash temp...mash in 3/4lb of 2 row and the 3/4 lb of munich. You would get a gravity around 1.055 (depending on...
  12. D

    What do you do during the mash?

    I actually have a checklist (I'm obsessive like that). First thing is first, I open a beer. With 50 mins left I grab the other stuff I will need (aerator, carboy, utensils etc) and sanitize them. 35 left I pull my hops out of the fridge and weigh them out. Grab another beer...Measure out my...
  13. D

    Simple Oktoberfest (Ale) Recipe

    I had thought about doing that, but my LHS doesn't have any Melanoiden. I know that you can get a similar flavor from doing a decoction (thank you HBT search feature...) but I don't know how much or how long to boil to achieve the same flavor.
  14. D

    Simple Oktoberfest (Ale) Recipe

    Hey all! I'm brewing on the 14th for an Oktoberfest party this fall. Don't have lagering capabilities so I'm doing what everyone else seems to be doing around here and just brewing it as an ale. I don't want to get too fancy so I came up with a fairly simple recipe. I figured those who have...
  15. D

    Spice Tea Timing

    My only problem with that would be 'spicing to taste' wouldn't the sugar throw me off a bit?