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  1. corvax13

    Please Talk Me Out of It

    Do it - it will ease the urge. Just do one. And buy a sixer of good brew for the rest of the night
  2. corvax13

    First all grain brew...disaster!!!!

    Well, aside from a sticky floor, I would not call your brew day a disaster at all - congrats on your first all grain. I say leave it in there - the CO2 will blanket it nicely, you shouldn't have any problems.
  3. corvax13

    Ok experts...Shoot a noob some tips!!

    In this situation, when bottling, would a full yeast pack be needed? Does it need to be the same type of yeast as used originally? Would a starter be needed? I am interesting in doing something like this myself, except for a barleywine.
  4. corvax13

    Apfelwein mistake - Bottle or not?

    Hello everyone I made my first batch of Apfelwein a while ago, and it has been fermenting in my closet. Today I was prepping to bottle it, however, when I reached for my carboy I realized I had mistakenly placed a drilled bung on the carboy instead of a solid one- stupid noob mistake. The...
  5. corvax13

    My Wyeast package looked like the Hindenburg.

    If you can monitor the first few days of fermentation, I would say just go ahead and brew - just to keep an eye for blow-offs and what not. And certainly make a starter, you can probably still salvage the little guys.
  6. corvax13

    Best Amber ales

    If you are ever in NC or surrounding states, Highlander Brewing Co makes a delicious Amber - it is their Gaelic Ale. Just tried it earlier this week, really peaked my interest in ambers. Their Oatmeal Stout is very good as well.
  7. corvax13

    Buying Kits

    Austin and NB are the best in my opinion - tried both stores, both for kits and supplies/equipment. Once you get a little more experience and start making your own recipes, Brewmasters Warehouse would complete the holy trifecta of online homebrew goodness.
  8. corvax13

    Best way to heat my beer fridge

    First I would suggest unplugging the fridge or taking the fermenter out of there - it sounds like you garage is cold enough without any additional help. If this doesn't do it, you can try buying one of those Brew Belts - That is one of...
  9. corvax13

    What program do you guys use to make your labels?

    I use photoshop, though the style of most of my labels is pixel image-based. Whenever I need something with vectors, illustrator is definitely the way to go.
  10. corvax13

    Oh no! There's a rush on my beer now!

    Share enough to entice them to give you money for a batch, but don't let them take it all! At least stow away a sixer and taste it in a few months.
  11. corvax13

    Bulk Conditoning: Primary VS Secondary

    I say move it to a secondary, and dry hop it - at this point the hops can only mellow out.
  12. corvax13

    Tell me how this sounds SMASH

    I did a similar batch - People suggested calling it SMeSH or eSMaSH. Been lazy about bottling it, but will know soon enough how it turned out.
  13. corvax13

    Which recipe site is more accurate?

    Just did the test myself, both on 5g. Seems like BeerCalculus is more accurate, but I don't have any software to compare it to. Anyone here with Beer Tools or similar care to make a comparison? I'm interested in this myself, as I use BeerCalculus extensively.
  14. corvax13

    You know you're a brewer if...

    When SWMBO asks you to bring "that pumpkin ale you brewed" to thanksgiving, so that all her family will like you. (Happened to me this thanksgiving - thanks yuri!)
  15. corvax13

    Recipe Help - Scottish 80/-

    Well, heres to hoping it will turn out alright. Just got all my ingredients from BMW - taking advantage that they ship within GA now, hope to get everything soon. Thanks everyone for your help! Ill let you know in a few months how it turns out. . .