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  1. brews2gf

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Resurrecting due to referring a friend to this thread and seeing this post. To answer your question ^, I was fine drinking most gluten-reduced beers for a couple years (reacted sometimes to Omission and Stone's, but not Brunehaut or Glutiny, e.g.). I got into home brewing because of this...
  2. brews2gf

    Make BIAB bag itself

    Wilserbrewer is also being very gracious. I bought my BIAB bag from him and it is the right fineness, easy to clean, perfectly fitted, and durable. You may just save yourself time and ask him. Here’s a review for them
  3. brews2gf

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    More bad news: even wheat-free (i.e. only barley and adjuncts) CF beers are giving me problems. I’ve scheduled my follow-up endoscopy for May 18 and will share results if interested. I also found this video which describes the research behind why Clarity Ferm may categorically not work for...
  4. brews2gf

    Clarity Ferm in commercial beer

    Resurrected. Yards Brewing out of Philly uses it on their Brawler beer, which is a unique brew, kinda light brown w a little chestnut flavor. I like it.
  5. brews2gf

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    I had blood work done for my initial diagnosis and was positive. I can dig up my report if you’re curious about the exact tests because there are a few. They will probably do these tests again before my 5 yr endoscopy (which I need to schedule)
  6. brews2gf

    First Saison Attempt... Best Temp Solution?

    Awesome, thanks for the reply! Glad to hear it worked out w the smaller emitter. I’m putting my chamber together for my first saison and want to make sure I can crank it as needed. Cheers!
  7. brews2gf

    First Saison Attempt... Best Temp Solution?

    I’m in a similar situation and trying to figure out what to buy. Did this option work out to bring your chamber up to ~90degF?
  8. brews2gf

    Heater Runaway During Fermentation

    I think maybe you mean Murphy’s law? Moore’s law has to do w the size of computer chips getting ever smaller. I hope that stout turned out ok. I’d love to hear the results.
  9. brews2gf

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    An unfortunate update: After having a couple CF treated wheat-based beers daily for consistent “research” I ended up having an unexpected gluten reaction called laropharyngeal reflux that caused a very painful throat issue. Ear nose throat specialist exam said it was reflux and between that Dr...
  10. brews2gf

    Fixing a Stout finishing @ 1.031 FG

    There’s amylase enzyme but I’ve seen mixed reviews so I assume great care must be taken. The concept is that beta comes along and gives you maltose for feeding the yeast...or something like that.
  11. brews2gf

    This is the part where you say welcome to the board dummy...

    It’s incredible that you didn’t get cut; story is kind of stomach-turning IMO after having seen some of the pictures about glass carboy incidents. I’m amazed honestly that you didn’t know that glass doesn’t survive quick temperature changes (like a direct flame) unless it’s specifically...
  12. brews2gf

    110 pounds of Pilsner !

    This is quite original; never heard of doughing into beer, and never imagined hearing someone had done it with a blend of sports/crap beer. Bold experiments here on HBT! Awesome
  13. brews2gf

    Full boil AND late extract addition?

    The quick answer here is that it depends on the Celiac-person. For those (like me) who can drink beers marketed as “crafted to remove gluten”, they can also drink homebrew made with Clarity Ferm (which is the same enzyme used in the commercial process which enables them to make claims about...
  14. brews2gf

    Bag size?

    Received my Wilserbrewer bag today and it fits perfectly (and got a bonus hop sock to try)! Really looking forward to my next batch.
  15. brews2gf

    Bag size?

    Also a good point. I think since it was my first time I didn’t know what a dough ball would look like so perhaps I was overly concerned about that and felt the need to stir it to death. RDWHAHB is in order