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  1. Armen_Tamzarian

    Flavor/Aroma Hop additions: 30/15:5/flame

    Hey all, I was having a debate with some buddies. What do you all prefer for flavor and aroma hop additions. I personally stick to 15 min additions for flavor and 5 min additions for my aroma when writing recipes. Some of my buddies seems to prefer 30 min for flavor and 15 and 5 for...
  2. Armen_Tamzarian

    Aging Saison, bottle condition or secondary?

    good call. With the frequency I brew, I'm starting to realize the benefits of split batches. Thanks again!
  3. Armen_Tamzarian

    Single Malt - Munich

    Thanks yooper. I've always loved throwing Munich malt in whatever I may brew. I'm thinking split batch, munich mash, two different hops in two different boils is in my immediate future. Thanks again
  4. Armen_Tamzarian

    Aging Saison, bottle condition or secondary?

    sweet, thanks. I'm starting to wonder if I maybe want to do something awesome with this saison as the warmer weather comes...(thought in early December). I might just let it chill, it's not going anywhere.
  5. Armen_Tamzarian

    Aging Saison, bottle condition or secondary?

    Hey all, I've had a Saison in Secondary since about September. I'm wondering if it would be best to let it go until spring/summer time, or if it would be worth it to bottle it and just let it condition in the bottle. Any Thoughts? Thanks!
  6. Armen_Tamzarian

    Single Malt - Munich

    If I were to brew a 5 gallon batch with say, 10-14 lb munich malt ONLY, would it be able to convert enough on it's own? I also was wondering the same thing about Vienna. I'm interested in trying some single malt/single hop beers and really love these two malts, I didn't know if it was...
  7. Armen_Tamzarian

    carbing a test batch

    Hey all, Carbing a small test batch. Think I'll only get a bomber. How much sugar should I use? Now would be a good time for tablets I think... Thanks!
  8. Armen_Tamzarian

    DIY Beer Line Cleaner

    Awesome thread. With all the cleaning and maintenance that goes into brewing, I slack at line cleaning...These ideas can definitely help me address that.
  9. Armen_Tamzarian

    ugh, so I have a head scratcher

    beaksnbeer wins 100% right on the tap. A rubber gasket some how got off kilter and slid under the "front locking ball"??? The mighty perlick failed me. We're all good now. Thanks all!
  10. Armen_Tamzarian

    ugh, so I have a head scratcher

    Lots of good ideas in here, thanks all! Haven't had a chance to mess with it but will this weekend. I know some trouble shooting and a more "fresh" state of mind will help solve this one. haha I have three perlicks, with three kegs attached. I also have a picnic tap I can check out. I'd be...
  11. Armen_Tamzarian

    ugh, so I have a head scratcher

    gotcha. When I attach the black "out" connecter, with or without gas, it pours from the faucet. With gas it pours a lot, without it trickles. I've tried to tighten the faucet and it doesn't make a difference. Maybe is it just pressure? It's a new keg, I'm running three from one regulator and...
  12. Armen_Tamzarian

    ugh, so I have a head scratcher

    I'm thinking it may be the black out connecter. It may have been rattling when I shook it. Either way, I'm relaxin, but help from the pros is always appreciated!
  13. Armen_Tamzarian

    ugh, so I have a head scratcher

    Went to tap a keg, pumpkin beer that's been sitting at 10 psi for about 2 weeks. Whenever I tap it with out gas and have already blead the keg, it won't pour from the faucet. If I put the black out on it, it will pour uncontrollably. If I put the black out on it with no gas, it pours subtly...
  14. Armen_Tamzarian

    haven't bottled forever, quick question

    5oz corn sugar : 2 cups boiling water, then chill Sounds about right?
  15. Armen_Tamzarian

    Have I gone crazy!?

    yet one more aspect to geek out about. haha