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    Storing empty kegs

    I did a search and found a ton of threads on storing full kegs but nothing on the correct storage of empty kegs. What I've been doing is when the keg is empty I clean it with PBW and the Mark II keg washer ( I then sanitize...
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    ETC dual stage controller will not turn on heat belt

    I have an ETC dual stage temp controller. It works beautifully controlling just the chest freezer. My issue is that I need to ferment at 75 degrees and it's still cold in my basement. I bought a heat belt to make sure the temp doesn't drop below that. I have C1 (freezer) set to 77 with a 1...
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    Beersmith password reset

    I am using the email address I used to sign up with, and I don't have any filters set in my email. That's why I am confused on why I'm not getting the reset message. I did fill out the contact form on the beer smith page so we'll see what happens.
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    Beersmith password reset

    Is anyone having issues with resetting their password in Beersmith 2 for the cloud? I have hit the password reset button about 20 times over the past month or so and never receive an email. Does that functionality even work? Very frustrating when you can't get to the recipes stored in the cloud.
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    Edworts Apfelwein - Turning Wannabe's into Brewers

    What do you consider to be "room temperature"? Rooms in my house vary between 45 and 75 depending on season.
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    Keep missing my OG and FG targets

    I AM using a refractometer. Even with a magnifying glass I cannot read a hydrometer to save my life. I found a solution on the Morebeer website with a spreadsheet that corrects for alcohol. According to that sheet my FG is now 1.025, still off from the 1.014 called for by the recipe. So it...
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    Keep missing my OG and FG targets

    Hope someone can give me a suggestion as to where in my process I might be going wrong. Last batch I brewed was a White IPA using specialty grains for steeping and DME. Target OG was 1.063. I got 1.066 just before pitching the yeast. After 4 weeks of fermentation I pulled a sample...
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    Clear Wort, Clear Beer - Tips from Yooper

    I know this will be an extremely noob question...but after cooling my wort with a wort chiller, I've just been dumping the entire contents of the kettle into my fermenting bucket. (Note that I'm doing steeping grains with extract, not all grain) Since you are showing solids settling out of the...
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    Clear Wort, Clear Beer - Tips from Yooper

    I know this will be an extremely noob question...but after cooling my wort with a wort chiller, I've just been dumping the entire contents of the kettle into my fermenting bucket. (Note that I'm doing steeping grains with extract, not all grain) Since you are showing solids settling out of the...
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    How much priming sugar in 5 gal keg?

    Most of my recipes call for 5oz of priming sugar per 5 gal of beer for bottling. I would assume it would be the same if you are going to carbonate in a keg. It's the same volume of beer.
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    The 'Keezer' Project

    I've noticed that Jester has not been around in quite a while, so I'll post here and ask if anyone has the Google Sketchup plans he was sending out? I'd really like to attempt to do a build like this and would really appreciate the plans.
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    Greetings from PA

    New to the forum. Pretty new to brewing (I'm on my 4th batch now).