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  1. adam62cb

    Beer-sickle accident

    Gravity was 1.02! So it made some progress prior to freezing. Asbsoon as the new starter gets going, I'll be in business....
  2. adam62cb

    Beer-sickle accident

    So, my Helles Lager was fermenting in my temp controlled chest freezer just bubbling away at fifty degrees. On day nine, the controller failed and the freezer never cycled off. When I checked it this morning, t pretty much frozen solid. I think the batch is screwed. I may gently warm it up...
  3. adam62cb

    Colorado Johnson Controls Temp Controller

    If you still have one left, I would be interested...
  4. adam62cb

    Where does all the beer go?

    I brew as often as my wife and free time allow. I have a four corney keg keezer set up, so I have four on tap at all times, and usually a sour in extended aging while one or two lagers or ales are at various stages of fermentation. I am by no means a "raging alcoholic", but it is amazing how...
  5. adam62cb

    My brother got a DUI. I need advice from those with "experience"...

    I have a "friend" who ot a DUI a few years ago. His record was otherwise clean. He lived in a state that as a first tIme offenders program. He had to complete a class, attend AA, pass a drug test, pay a couple grand fine, and had his his driving privlegdes suspended for a few month. After he...
  6. adam62cb

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    I just pulled my first decoction for a Helles bock! First lager...
  7. adam62cb

    What would you buy?

    Good ideas so far... It us a win win, I get a few new toys and my wide gets all the homebrew she can drink! Actually, it is kinda like tithing my wife got the first 10% already in a valentines gift, and will probably keep whatever i havent spent
  8. adam62cb

    What would you buy?

    Let's say you received a bonus of $1,000 that was not expected and your swmbo was ok with you using it all for brewing stuff to upgrade brewing equipment. What would buy?
  9. adam62cb

    What's your brewery name?

    BAD ALE Brewing Company It is my wife's initials followed by mine...
  10. adam62cb

    Berliner Weiss, many ways

    I did option 1C, no boil, 1/2 oz stale hops thrown into the mash. I racked and bottled after about a month, and it was very sour. I then made another batch dumped it onto the yeast cake. I threw in two cans of Raspberry puree after two weeks. It made a very very light beer almost...
  11. adam62cb

    Competion category question

    Hey, I misspoke above, they are not cascade hops, instead they are willamette late hops.
  12. adam62cb

    Competion category question

    I am entering an upcoming BJCP Home Brew competition. This is my first competition so I would like to enter a bunch of stuff that I have on tap right now. What category would be appropriate for a Berliner Weiss, which I blended raspberry puree into the secondary? I am not sure if it goes...
  13. adam62cb

    2013's How many gal of homebrew in 2013

    Throw in five gallons pj jamil's evil twin! 1810!
  14. adam62cb

    Misc. Equipment

    Looking to buy a few items, let me know if you have something you are willing to part with for a fair price. 1. Blichman beer gun 2. Refractometer 3. Long probed Brewing thermometer 4. Sanke fermentor conversion kit 5. Stir plate