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  1. AbsoZed

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2014?

    5 Gal of Bloody Sunday Irish Red 34326.5
  2. AbsoZed

    What's your profession?

    Trainer for an IT Support Corporation. Or close enough as makes no difference. But I do have a background in Network Engineering, does that count?
  3. AbsoZed

    Competition Recipe

    I've done the Irish Red before, and it turned out good. My problem is that I'm afraid it would be the "safer" of the two options, and thus have more competition. My problem with the Holiday Ale is just that -- it's a specialty and there's a ton of variance in that category.
  4. AbsoZed

    Competition Recipe

    I have a competition coming up in about a month and a half (Dec. 20), and I'm trying to decide which recipe to use. I have two choices for brewing before then (Like, Saturday.) and want to know what you guys think would be the best entry based on the recipe. Recipe 1 - Sextant Holiday Ale...
  5. AbsoZed

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2014?

    33,464.5 + 5 Gallons Anchor ESB 33,469.5
  6. AbsoZed

    Lager and Yeast Starter

    Yep, Yeast work on their own schedule! That was just a general outline. I'll definitely be looking forward to this one until December now!
  7. AbsoZed

    Lager and Yeast Starter

    I actually just thought of that. I'm not sure what possessed me to create a thread before I ran a calc. With that question answered, any input on the second one? Would aging that long in a bottle have any ill-effects?
  8. AbsoZed

    Lager and Yeast Starter

    I've done quite a few ales, and I'm in the planning process for an Oktoberfest (I know I'm late, this one is going to age until next year, hopefully.) With the recipe I have, looks like the OG is going to be 1.056. I'll be using Wyeast #2633. I was going to pitch this into a 2L starter...
  9. AbsoZed

    Brett in imperial stout

    What you're describing sounds like yeast rafts to me, as opposed to brett or C02. I don't know how many brews you've got under your belt, but I've definitely made this mistake before. Pics would definitely help diagnose.
  10. AbsoZed

    Yeast cake

    Yes, it's called the Krausen. Being outside the recipe range, I'd wait one more day to be absolutely certain, and if it hangs around there, then bottle. But 1.020 is within the normal beer range.
  11. AbsoZed

    Source for 500ml bottles?

    Only thing I've found are as follows: (Grolsch) (Capped) Now, Northern Brewer sells 350 mL and 750 mL belgians, which...
  12. AbsoZed

    Yeast cake

    The yeast cake is there, I assure you. It's just not visible on the top. You may have some rafts floating on top, but the cake has likely settled on the bottom with the trub at this point. That's pretty normal, I'd say, given the length of time in the fermenter. Now, with a same hydrometer...
  13. AbsoZed

    My first EVER brew

    Looks like it's certainly been made; can't speak as to the taste though.
  14. AbsoZed

    My first EVER brew

    Yes! has a great portion of the site for this called "Brew Sessions"