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  1. M

    Pruning question

    This is helpful, Dave. It sounds like we're doing similar things, although I've cut off some secondary shoots very high up, which seems like it was probably a mistake ... but I'll know for next year. Thanks!
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    Pruning question

    Hi all, My understanding of how to prune hops after the first year or two is that you should allow 4 bines or so per plant to grow. I've been following that advice and am now on year 4 with strong, healthy plants. Should I be trimming the offshoots from the main bines, though? I've been...
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    Aged Kriek: carbonation problems

    Thanks, Gabe and Georges - I guess I should have been a little more detailed in my first post. I did add yeast at bottling, but it was Safale US-05. From what Georges is saying, it sounds like I should have been more discerning about which particular yeast I put in there. And yes, the bottles...
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    Aged Kriek: carbonation problems

    About seven weeks ago I bottled a kriek that had been sitting for some 15-16 months. It's my first sour beer ever. It fermented down pretty low (1.006 from 1.061 OG). It tastes very nice... the only problem is that it's still not carbonated at all. I primed with DME at an amount that was...
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    High attenuation: always a contamination?

    Thanks for the help, all; it turned out to be the right advice. The beer is great. Doesn't come across as overly-dry, either. Carbonation was fine, too.
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    High attenuation: always a contamination?

    Thanks for the feedback. This is the fourth time I've used the same colony of yeast, and looking back at my results the attenuation has risen a little each time. Maybe I'm not top-cropping at quite the right time. Anyway, I'm guessing from what you guys are saying that things are fine.
  7. M

    High attenuation: always a contamination?

    Hi, I'm bottling a beer using Fermentis Safale US-05 right now that attenuated to 83.5%. The beer tastes as it should right now (it's a pumpkin ale that's very lightly spiced, not nearly so much so that spices would mask clearly foul flavors). I know that I have to wait and see, but since I'm...
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    Foam removal on boil?

    I hope it's OK to wake up an old thread. Could skimming affect the beer's head retention? I'm basing this on very primitive logic, I'll admit: the boil's foam sort of looks like beer head, and so, I'm imagining, taking away one could diminish the other.
  9. M

    Not loving S-04...

    S-04 wouldn't underattenuate at 14C? I don't know anything about the biology or pragmatics of brewing ales at that sort of temperature, so please inform me.
  10. M

    extract potential of Pumpkin?

    Thanks for the help; I was the one who "tossed out" the number of 1.012, which really was pulled out of nowhere. It appears then, that pumpkin should be completed excluded from estimates. If anyone has any further suggestions on the ideal grain/water ratio, it'd be appreciated. - Mat
  11. M

    extract potential of Pumpkin?

    I don't think you can. Your numbers are so undershot that something must have gone wrong with your grains too, as far as mashing efficiency goes. Unfortunately I am not of any more help, because I just did my pumpkin brew and got a similar result (1.079 projected; 1.049 realized). The difference...
  12. M

    extract potential of Pumpkin?

    I'm getting from you guys that my OG estimations shouldn't really be affected by the pumpkin. That's in line with my experience the one time I made a pumpkin ale (with fresh pumpkin). But what about mash water? If the pumpkin is in the mash, should it be treated just like malted barley as far...
  13. M

    Sankey kegs in Europe

    Hi, I live in Romania. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a 50L Sankey-style keg? Since this site is mostly visited by Americans - even if you don't have a specific lead for me, any suggestions would be appreciated, however vague. Thanks.
  14. M

    Freezing Hops. Do or don't?

    I hope there's nothing impolite about waking up an old thread... but I am still looking for a definite answer to the question of whether to freeze, and don't have the answer myself. I've become interested since starting to think about growing my own hops, which, it seems to me, would end up...
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    Oyster Stout

    So cool!! How perceptible is the difference between table salt and sea salt in beer? I've never brewed with sea salt. Also, can you give any pointers about amounts to use? Do you need to take into account any sea salt that could be on the shells?
  16. M

    Sour Mash: How long to sour?

    That's good to hear! I'm using the "Lambic blend" culture cocktail from Wyeast: Brett, sherry yeast, a Belgian wheat yeast, and lactic acid bacteria.
  17. M

    Sour Mash: How long to sour?

    I did 25 hours on my first kriek. Just tasted the wort and, while the sweetness of the unfermented stuff might be masking some of the sourness, I would say that no matter what your taste, you'll want to let it go longer. There's a noticeable tartness, but not quite true-to-style.
  18. M

    Sour beer and water

    Hi, Does anyone have any ideas about what sort of water you'd want in a sour beer? My first homebrewed sour will be a kriek, and then I'd like to do a geuze. I think I am planning on keeping it fairly soft.
  19. M

    Oyster Stout

    I can only give you advice as a drinker, not as a brewer. I've never brewed an oyster stout, though I'd like to. First of all, the phrase "oyster stout" in commercial beers can be misleading because not all all of them contain oysters (I think Marston's Oyster Stout, which is pretty easy to...
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    Oaked Imperial Whiskey Stout

    I'm sorry if this is only partly on-topic, but what about adding whiskey without oak chips? I actually have oak chips which I could use, and which I intend to use when I make a rum porter ... but actually, when I think about making whiskey-infused beer some other flavor combinations come to...