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  1. D

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    *Crosses fingers* :mug:
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    Lager Fermentation Question

    Agreed. Thanks for the input everyone. I suppose I'll just have to adjust my recipes to account for my efficiency in the future (which I have yet to calculate haha).
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    Lager Fermentation Question

    The yeast suspension is the problem I was worried about. I agree with you that I'd have to lager it all over again, but I definitely wanted a second opinion about it. And there's nothing wrong with 4.5% according to BJCP, but as a rule of my own, I never aim for below 5% (I usually aim for about...
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    Lager Fermentation Question

    Regarding my first all grain recipe and my first lager: I didn't hit the efficiency I was hoping for during the mash, and the OG fell a bit short of what I wanted. The beer fermented for about 2.5 weeks at 50F, then 3 days at 68F, and has since been at 40F for about 4 weeks. Its at about...
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    Capturing Wild Yeast Question

    Just tasted my beer fermented with wild yeast compared to the same wort fermented with White Labs Burton Ale yeast and the wild was BY FAR better. Thanks for everyones help. The wild beer doesn't taste too abnormal either, no sour tastes or off flavors. I'll definitely be keeping this yeast for...
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    Capturing Wild Yeast Question

    ITS ALIIIIIVE! For some reason, about 3 weeks after I brought it inside, I checked on it and there was a nice layer of foam on top! It definitely didn't smell like just wort, and it definitely didn't smell like regular fermentation. I'm not sure if what I caught was 100% yeast, or even yeast at...
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    Capturing Wild Yeast Question

    Thanks for all the input. The wort has been at 68F for 5 days now with no signs of fermentation, bubbling, krausen, CO2 smell, etc. I'm pretty convinced that I didn't catch any yeast OR that the yeast I caught died in the freeze. Barc, I'm surprised that you caught yeast with a paper towel over...
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    Keg Hopping?!

    Thanks for all the info everyone, I'm definitely trying this with my next batch. I mainly use whole leaf for dry hopping so I probably wont tie off with floss. I'm still a bit nervous about clogging that poppet valve and having to take it apart and clean it, would there be a problem with...
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    Need opinions - First three labels

    The last one is awesome, I love how the smoke around the beer glass traces back to the distant building, and how the sun is casting long shadows of the building. Great job!
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    Keg Hopping?!

    Thanks ArcaneXor. Do you weigh the hops down also so that theyre suspended in the middle of the keg? Also, apparently I never searched for dry hopping in the keg before because I just found a ton of results. So even though it isn't a completely original method, it was an original idea haha. I...
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    Keg Hopping?!

    So I'm new to kegging, I just kegged my first beer on Saturday and I was very pleased that it was almost completely ready to drink by Sunday evening (after a lot of keg shaking to encourage dissolving). But unfortunately the beer that I kegged didn't have the floral hop aroma that I was aiming...
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    Capturing Wild Yeast Question

    I thought it would be a cool idea to try to catch some wild yeast from my backyard so I put about a half gallon of wort that I brewed that day out on my porch and left it for out uncovered for two weeks. I just brought it in yesterday, the wort was partially frozen and after thawing it and...
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    A label idea.

    Thats a sweet idea, I only just recently had my first black IPA and it was delicious! I'm pretty sure I know the kind of look your going for, the only problem can see is: how are you going to print a matte finish on glossy paper?
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    Cider still fermenting after 4 weeks

    White Labs recommends 68-75 for most of their ale yeasts... you may be right about the off flavors, I've just never associated them with the ferm temp. I'll be building a ferm chamber pretty soon.
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    Cider still fermenting after 4 weeks

    gotcha. I've had a lot of real quick fermentations with my beers, I think because my basement is usually around 73. Now my basement is around 66-68 and that is probably slowing it down. This is my first cider so I just wanted to be sure I didn't have to stop the fermentation or something.
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    Cider still fermenting after 4 weeks

    My cider has been consistently bubbling for 4 weeks. I've read about people saying their cider went from 1.08 to like 0.98 in two days or something crazy like that, and I was just wondering if my results are to be expected. Recipe: 4 gal of natural, non-preservative apple juice 2 lbs light...
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    Cheap Fermenter Option?

    If these are storing drinking water, shouldn't they automatically be the correct plastic grade?
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    Cheap Fermenter Option? I ran across these at the grocery store for $7 a piece and thought of buying a few so I can always have a batch or two of cider going (its so much cheaper, so why not..). Are there any problems I might run into with using...
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    Did I just ruin my equipment?

    Oh woah, I didn't realize you were from my area. Do you know of any restaurant supply stores in Herndon? I'd be looking for 6-7.5 gals because I only do 5 gallon batches (and usually only about 4.5 gal boils). Also, if you brew in Herndon, which homebrew store do you use? I only know of Jay's...
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    Did I just ruin my equipment?

    Thanks germelli, I'll try that soon. I may just spend the $30 to get another one, but I plan on brewing with my brother next weekend, so if it doesn't come in time its nice to know I have a backup. dotnetdotcom, I KNEW it might have something to do with the copper and aluminum together, and...