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  1. J

    Dark Lord Day 2013

    I was able to score a pair of tix. Anyone know of any buses heading down from Chicago? I know of Reggie's Rock Club but that one seems to be a little "loose" with the details.
  2. J

    Bev-Air Fridge Conversion to Kegerator

    Jazong- I used a hole saw with my drill to cut through the top. Can't remember the size off hand but it was just barely larger than the copper pipe. The stainless is thin so with a little oil for lube, it cut right through it and it is in terrific shape around the cut with no warping. There is...
  3. J

    All stainless steel deluxe hop bag/!!!

    I love this idea as I just cut the top off my keg and I was wondering what the hell I was going to do with it. Do you find that it is annoying to have to lift up while using to check your boil?
  4. J

    Bev-Air Fridge Conversion to Kegerator

    I purchased a back bar Beverage-Air commercial refrigeration unit with the plan to convert it into a kegerator. I have about twelve 5 gallon cornies and it fits all of them with plenty of extra room leftover. I was considering going more on the cheap with a chest freezer conversion but really...
  5. J

    Copper pipes on beer lines in your kegerator

    I actually built mine with a 2 inch copper tube going up through the middle of my kegerator with 2 lines running inside it. I have no insulation around the pipe, no fan blowing any cold air on it, and the first beer is always frosty and never foamy. I'll get some pics uploaded to post. EDIT...
  6. J

    Does gravity feed in Shirron plate chiller work?

    I have done about 8 batches with a gravity feed and have had no problem. It is a bit clunky to work with, but no issues. Next purchase is a pump however.
  7. J

    Oxyclean in the sink?

    The sink use is fine and actually it will give your sink a good cleaning! +1 on a good rinse or you will have residue.
  8. J

    My Homebrewpub (WIP)

    Did you use MFL fittings for all your hoses or are you clamped with male spigot fittings? I am building a similar setup (only 6 gas) and noticed small leaks when using MFL and clamps.
  9. J


    Mash tracking, eh? I didn't realize it could be used for that. How has this helped you with your Mash's?
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    I'm considering dumping mine as it seems like it is almost the same amount of work to use my Hydrometer than it is to use the refractometer (I have a conical fermenter so samples are easy to take).
  11. J


    I just got one for my B-day but am still trying to see the big benefit. am I correct in saying that you can only convert the initial reading (after boil) to calculate the SG?
  12. J

    Dripping Camlocks?

    So is the dripping only when you remove the camlocks or while they are still attached? Other than the dripping, how do you like these? I just purchased a brew stand and am about to go through the plumbing phase and am considering outfitting with all of them.
  13. J

    Boiling outdoors... then what?

    I have been brewing outdoors for around 11 years and have never had an infection problem with a single batch (50 gallons brewed so far this year alone). I chill with a counterflow chiller into a bucket and bring it downstairs 3-4 gallons at a time (10 gallon batches). No need to worry as long as...
  14. J

    I am going broke!!!

    Moving to 10 gallon batches is the next logical step. As the years go on, I have less time to brew so it is just so much nicer to double your batch size and it is not much more work at all. Might mean some equipment swap out though.
  15. J

    Water - from the tap

    If you can't do a full boil, I would think that is fine. Keep in mind you might want to use a water filter to get rid of the Chlorine (depending where you live).
  16. J

    Draft Tower Cooling Mod

    So is it the consensus that the copper tubing does the job to keep the lines cold? i want to do something similar with my ceramic tower.
  17. J

    Need equipment upgrade help

    If you are seriously still bottling, KEGGING SYSTEM should be your number one priority. It is such a time saver and will change your brewing life!!! No way I would do anything else until you have a functioning kegging system.
  18. J

    anyone use a "bazooka screen" in your brew kettle?

    I use the Bazooka "T" screen in my Keggle and it does work fairly well but +1 on it sucking with pellet hops. I have to use a hop bag if I want consistent drainage of the keggle when using them.
  19. J

    Stainless Steel quick connect

    +1 on the proflow dynamic snaplocks. I just purchased a few to test with and now plan to outfit the entire brewery. Can't beat the price and they are extremely cool looking!
  20. J

    New Replacement for March Pump

    So is the consensus to stay with a march pump with a poly head?