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  1. Grousebane

    Doppelbock Evil Goat of Ainpoekish (5C Doppelbock)

    Just had a taste of this as I racked it into the secondaries. Really really good! I am really looking forward to Christmas
  2. Grousebane

    Six year old homebrew... not terrible

    I have about 10 bottles that I brewed in the 80s, from before I met my wife in 1986. so, 30 years? I opened one a few years ago and it was pretty good. Still carbonated and tasty-given that in those days it was Munton's kits I was surprised and pleased. I have cases of other "old" ones, going...
  3. Grousebane

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    Brewed this up the other day, hit the numbers nicely. I smoked the wheat portion with a combo of apple and alder. Yeast is from a local craft brewery (Driftwood) that does saison. I scaled it up to a 15 gal batch so in the fullness of time I will report back on the smokiness.
  4. Grousebane

    Smoked Saison idea

    Brewed today using the cottage recipe that I posted above. I smoked the wheat portion (about 10% of total) with apple and alder chips. I will see how it turns out.
  5. Grousebane

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    This is a crazy long thread so I have not had a chance to read through it all. What I have read makes it sound like a great recipe. I found this while looking for a good base recipe from which to do a smoked saison. I am thinking I would smoke about 10% of the base malk and sub in some citra for...
  6. Grousebane

    Smoked Saison idea

    I had a smoked saison in Portland at burnside brewing that was really good, and thinking how to make one. I was thinking citra for the hops, and as the rest of it. I would home smoke about 10% of the base malk with cherry or apple...
  7. Grousebane

    Smoked Saison idea

    This is an old thread but I was thinking of brewing a smoked saison also and thought I might see if you had tried it and how it went
  8. Grousebane

    American Pale Ale Fdbh

    brewed a few months ago and boy am I enjoying this! creamy and smooth, sweet but not too much; a touch of nice hops.
  9. Grousebane

    Dark Mild March Brown Mild

    Tastes malty and mild, a hint of dark fruit, slight roasty. I usually let brews age, often for months, but this is great after a week and a half. It is better on the warmer side of cold-if I taste it straight from the keezer (34 degrees) it is a slight bit thin. As it warms it becomes richer
  10. Grousebane

    Dark Mild March Brown Mild

    Kegged today. The sample was very tasty, I am looking forward to this one! Fg at 1.013, ABV about 4.2 I will post a picture when I have a pint
  11. Grousebane

    American Amber Ale Caramel Amber Ale

    Ah man! Now I want to make this one again! I am not sure about anything citrus like in it though. A hint of floral might be good. Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  12. Grousebane

    Strong Bitter Bass & Co, Pale Ale

    I have 15 gal. Of this fermenting away, to keg in a week. Looking forward to tasting.
  13. Grousebane

    Dark Mild March Brown Mild

    I brewed this up several days ago but I did some violence to the original, mainly because there were it men not available. For a 15 gal batch: 17 lbs marris 1.5 crystal 60 1 crystal 120 8 oz chocolate malt 3.2 black patent 1.25 east Kent goldings (at boil) 1 oz fuggles (1/2 hour) Mash at 156...
  14. Grousebane

    Dark Mild March Brown Mild

    It seems like a long time since anyone has posted in this thread. I am planning to brew this on the weekend, and I am wondering if people are still brewing this, and if so what changes they have made? I am thinking of adding a wee bit of Special B to the mix.
  15. Grousebane

    Recipe Critique: All-Grain Honey Nut Brown

    Any feedback on how these turned out?
  16. Grousebane

    Old, old, OLD beer

    so how was it?
  17. Grousebane

    Munich Dunkel Uncle Crunkel's Munich Dunkel (AG)

    We brewed this one up a couple of months ago. Last weekend I took a keg out to a friend's as the house beer for her pig roast. It was gone before 10. Today a guy called up wanting to buy a keg-guess I am going to have to brew it again!
  18. Grousebane

    HomeBrewTalk 2012 Big Giveaway

    hope springs eternal
  19. Grousebane

    British Yeasts, Fermentation Temps and Profiles, CYBI, Other Thoughts...

    I've been interested in temp. and its effect on fermentation for the last few batches, so this thread has been enlightening (to say the least). I've been reading in other threads that the fermentation process can raise the temp by as much as 10 degrees over ambient. This has led me to wonder...