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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. E

    Plum Wine - thinking about recycling yeast?

    So I'm on my way to the neighbors house to pick somewhere between 50 & 100 lbs of ripe red plums (don't know the variety yet). Wanting to put it all up in wine:rockin:. The only yeast I have on hand is 1-packet of nottingham dry ale yeast, 1-packet of red dry montrachet, aaannnnddddd the yeast...
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    BIAB Bag Question

    I have read on several places that you want to avoid nylon, as it will become somewhat "stretchy" when hot. Anybody know of where to buy a bag big enough to do 10gal batches in a keggle?
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    BIAB Bag Question

    What catalog? I made my own and have more in it than that. I might buy one or two to have spares in case of blowout.
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    Clearing Grapefruit wine question

    I may be in the minority here, but what's so wrong with just having a semi-cloudy batch? I could understand if dignitaries were coming over that you might have to put this batch back in the cabinet, but just for the enjoyment of a homemade batch of something scrumptious and wonderfully...
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    uh oh.....apfelwein troubleshooting

    (In spartan gear, and with greatest Russell Crowe impersonation ever) THIS IS APFELWEIN!! Sorry, slow morning at the office.
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    uh oh.....apfelwein troubleshooting

    This is Africa?
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    Howdy from Houston

    Good to see more Texans on this board. Now if we can just get Rick Perry on here, we'll all secede to our own board...........;) The only LHBS in Abilene closed last year. Sure wish there was somewhere between Abilene and DFW. Welcome to the boards!
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    Banana Wine

    Are any steps necessary (or recommended) to sanitize the raisins? Do they present any significant risk of infection?
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    Thinking of trying out mead-making

    +1 Just bought 20 food grade buckets, but I need more stinking carboys.....
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    Is there a taste to the caulk?

    Haaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Nothing like some tasteless caulk jokes to brighten my day!:D
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    I need your opinion guys (microbrewery ideas)

    Dude, you just named my next high gravity batch. That's incredible!:rockin: Csutton, I think most guys that gravitate toward the craft brew section in the beer aisle are very receptive to and intrigued by something different. For example, I am one that will buy a six pack of something just...
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    Premier malt extract

    (selfishly bumping thread) Just this weekend, I obtained a 15gal crock that my family used to brew their beer before, during, and after prohibition. I want to find some Premier and do some open fermentation experiments in ye ole' family vessel. Anyone know if there is a Premier supplier...
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    Is this going to suck?

    Gonna make my first ever stab at a fruit wheat soon, and am trying to put together my recipe. Not very practiced with all grain, and am taking a generic weizen recipe from Papazian and modifying it slightly. Take a look; let me know what you think. Thanks! 7lbs Briess 2-Row 3lbs Weyermann...
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    What to do with 2lbs of Blackberries?

    Haaaaahahahahahaha..... No more pies and such for me. I have to choose less beer or less food, so I'm developing a beer-only diet.:D:drunk: It looks like the consensus is on a wheat. Actually never done a wheat, but love the variety of wit's, so I guess I'll do some research. I love me a...
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    What to do with 2lbs of Blackberries?

    Cleaning out the freezer last night, and I ran across a leftover bag of 2lbs (give or take) of frozen blackberries that I harvested this fall and forgot about. I've had all the pie/cake/cobbler a guy can stand, and want to do something fun with these. But what? I've never brewed with fruit...
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    New Novice Member in Texas

    Hello from yet another Texan. I also consider myself a novice, especially in the all grain realm. I am a big advocate of brew-in-a-bag, and think you should read about it before you make your own decision. It's a bit simplified, and takes much less equipment. There are also some fairly...
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    Another quick question on wort chiller.

    ...thereby increasing cooling potential while also increasing flow so that the water can better "fill" the larger diameter line, I assume. Great idea. (Oh, and it's 1/4"id, 3/8"od) Not sure if the return on effort/investment would be worth it, but I'll price the parts and go from there.
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    Another quick question on wort chiller.

    Yeah, that's what made me hold off on finalizing it the other way last night. I thought I'd toss it up in the air this morning, though, and see if anyone could tell me why the smaller line would be better in the wort. Any takers on that thought?
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    Another quick question on wort chiller.

    Making an immersion chiller out of scrap copper tubing I have dug up around the house. I have about 30' of 1/2"id and about 30' of 1/4"id. I am going to run tap water through the 1st coil in an ice bath and into the second coil that will be immersed in the wort. But here's the question...
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    How did you find us?

    GOOGLE. Was on another forum, new firewall won't let me on it anymore, so here I am. Though I'm not a fan of a lot of ads, I gotta say there seems to be a more geographically diverse group on here than on my prior. Very responsive group. Also, this forum pops up first on a "homebrew forum"...