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  1. T

    Successful Peanut Butter Stout

    Was just searching for PB Stout for a little assistance with mine and stumbled onto this. I've got a PM Chocolate Stout on the stove right now. I was thinking I'd like to rack onto a couple jars of peanut butter powder in the secondary. Hopefully will get the peanut butter hint that I'm...
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    Does this look like mold?

    I usually keg, but I really didn't want to waste a keg on a bad beer when I have a good one I can keg next weekend. That was my thought on using a secondary. I'll be able to keep an eye on it that way and get a sample in a week or so to taste.
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    Does this look like mold?

    This is a first for me. Smells vinegary. Sure as heck doesn't look like yeast floaties. My first thought is to rack it to a secondary, obviously trying to rack from below this and leave it all behind. If it stays clear in the secondary than I might be OK? What are your thoughts on this one.
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    So who's brewing this weekend?

    Bottling up my Pilsner, then I'll be doing an all extract Strong Belgian. Tomorrow I'll do the partial mash APA. I love it when my sister in law flies into town for the weekend and takes my wife out of my way so I can have a full beer weekend.:D
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    How snobby

    I just like good beer. I'd rather buy from Northern Lights, 12 string, Bi-Plane, or one of the other locals here, but sometimes I'd like a Shock Top. I try to buy it from our local independent store, just to support local business. Those of you that are saying too big, must buy local, must...
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    First PM not so successful

    Two things....First I noticed you said use 3-4 quarts water in the mash for 2 lbs grain. For the mash, just following AHS instructions, I used a full two gallons. Could that explain my numbers? Second, my brew room was closed up while people were here for Christmas, and it got real cold in...
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    First PM not so successful

    I've been an extract brewer for 3 years. Austin Home Brew had the Kolsch PM on sale, so I decided what the hell and bought it. I'm not going to go through my hop schedule, but here's the process for my PM and extract. 2 lbs. Kolsch malt grains (premixed by AHS). Steeped between 152 and 155...
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    What got you into homebrewing?

    I got severly injured at work a few years back. Couldn't work for three years. After around one year, my wife got me Mr Beer kit for Christmas to give me something to do around the house. It was a simple quick process and the beer wasn't too bad at all. So I got online and did some research...
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    extract kit companies

    I really like Austin Home Brew. Tons of variety, and just about all their kits have the options of dry extact, liquid extract, partial mash, or all grain.
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    *sigh* Divorce advice please?

    I got no advice, but I wish you all the luck in the world getting this taken care of. If it were me, I'd be looking at a different attorney who at least wants to fight for you.
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    AHS vs MWS vs NB

    I've used all three. Midwest doesn't have flat rate shipping, so if you're not careful the price can jump on you pretty quick. AHS and NB...not really a big enough difference to tell anyone one's better than the other. Another one to look at is More Beer. I've had good luck with their product.
  12. T

    How Do You Rack to Avoid Sediment?

    I put a wedge under my fermenter on the first day. It helps the trub to mostly settle to one side right from the beginning. But I also have an advantage in that I have my fermenter on a shelf and siphon to my bottling bucket right there, so I don't have to move the fermenter and disturb the...
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    Irish Red Ale - Style Questions and Yeast?

    I did an Irish Red just a couple weeks ago and used Wyeast 1084. It's still in the fermenter though, so I can't really give you a critique.
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    How long to wait to use Wyeast?

    I use Wyeast and usually just get it out of the fridge in the morning and smack it right away. I'm usually pitching it within 4-6 hours after and have made fine beer that way. I've never used a starter with a Wyeast smack pack.
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    Time for Dad to brag.

    This is the Dean's list at Eastern Washington University, and my son's on it. Proud of you Tyler!! :rockin: EWU: Dean's List -
  16. T

    Fruit in Beer: at the boil or the secondary?

    I use Oregon canned fruits. Sanitize a blender, puree it, and add it to the secondary.
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    Just wanted to say.....

    I'm sorry for the loss, man. I used to drive truck, and when my wife had to put ours down I was in Boise, Id. and not scheduled to get home til the next day. She said Shadow was just hurting so bad she didn't feel it was fair to wait for me. She was 14. I parked in a truck stop in Ontario...
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    Mr.Beer Question.

    Keep an eye out for a Groupon from Midwest Supplies. If I recall, it was 65 bucks for the starter kit and a recipe. It's a good deal to get you everything you need to get started on five gallon kits. Another thing you can do. Buy another Mr Beer keg, make a five gallon kit, and split it...
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    I'm a bit depressed

    I hear ya there. I had to quit trucking for a living after 22 years and over 2 million miles on the road. (Guess I should change my name to ex-truckndad, huh?). And had to recruit my son to help with the brewing because I couldn't lift the five gallons. Still on the temporary disability and...
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    I'm a bit depressed

    Yooper, take it from a man with a bad back. Listen to the docs. I've had four surgeries on my lower back. Two on S1-L5, two on L5-4. I got no more disc back there to repair. Next one's a fusion. I have a permanent drop foot on my left side and haven't felt my left foot in a year. This is...