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  1. T

    Bottling Meads

    Dry and crisp usually has more to do with the OG and yeast choice than it does with carbonation..... Corn sugar is used when bottling beer so you have carbonation.... Here's the thing.... Where did you start and where did you end with SG? If fermentation is over/fell clear and it's still...
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    Really Really Traditional Mead

    I second the recommendation to go with a "Modern" mead before you jump head first into a traditional show mead.... 1 key reason... Time... It was nothing special for one of those ancient meads to take 10-20 years (Yes, years) to ferment out and age out to the point where it was good to...
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    Potassium sorbate/ metasulphite flavor

    Likely you can kiss your filter goodbye if it was that cloudy after a 0.5 micron filter.... You aren't supposed to filter mud through it - you are supposed to filter an already cleared brew through it to catch the remaining biological material.... I hate to say it - but there is a phrase that...
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    Cider or poison, I brew, you decide!

    I vote for either Vinegar or Cider... Your nose will tell you right off! Cheers! :tank: :mug:
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    ground cinnamon

    The thing about "Cinnamon" is that if you live in the USA instead of say India - the flavor you recognize as "Cinnamon" is really not true Cinnamon anyway - so don't worry about it too much.... True Cinnamon has a different flavor - not what most people would call spicy and "Cinnamony" but more...
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    Potassium sorbate/ metasulphite flavor

    Flavors Sulphite tends to reduce over time Sorbate tends to stay the same or increase as it ages. Thanks
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    Reasonably cheap way to create flavor depth?

    On adding acid... You will understand once you age out some of your home made store juice cider a little longer... The first month, it tastes awesome... As it ages - the tartness dissipates until it's pretty darn bland at 6-months.... If you start out with a blend that's *Really* sour and...
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    Lees in secondary and taste is drab.

    Unfortunately, the "bland" is usually what happens when you ferment out store apple juice all the way... It's why we usually stop it somewhere between 1.01 and 1.02 - then it has some appley-ness left in it... As you age it longer (Say like 1-year) - the apple-ness will start to come back...
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    Anyone growing their own perry pears?

    LOL... The easiest thing to do is to find an old homestead pear tree that still bears... They are usually French Perry pear seedlings.... In the old days - they got nursery root stock seed from the French perry mills... The top dies off of them... but the root was some sort of indestructible...
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    A crazy idea to sweeten cider?

    Yes.. Sounds like a Graff to me!
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    Tons of pears from our pear tree.. How to turn into pear cider?

    Huh? Why would heating apples extract fermentables? You aren't making beer out of starches..... Usually, cooking apples just turns them into a sticky applesauce mush - which is a pain in the rear end to strain out.... Stick to proven methods... Grate the fruit into mush and press or...
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    Reasonably cheap way to create flavor depth?

    Cheap, grocery store frozen apple juice concentrate won't add the depth/flavor that you are looking for... but the more expensive "Organic" apple cider concentrate that you can find in health food stores and better top end grocery stores WILL! Now... It won't make it into Cider apple cider -...
  13. T

    cider from frozen concentrate?

    Ok... Let's get this straight... There's no way to know what range ABV to expect because you didn't give enough information to figure it out.... Why? 1... Well... because different cans of concentrate reconstitute into different volumes.... Some are made to make 1 qt, some to 44 oz, some...
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    First time cider - strong yeast flavor

    Tertiary fermentation :tank: Nice.... You need to try out "Let it sit a while" Fermentation and you will find that all the yeastiness goes away all by itself... Give it 2 or 3 months and it should be good... Thanks
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    Apple flavors

    Check the back of the package of frozen concentrate... It will tell you how much sugar per serving and how many servings per can.... It's hard to be more specific because different brands contain different sugar contents... So... for example.. If you have 28g of sugar per serving, and 8...
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    orange hard cider?

    Sure, it's fun to argue about definitions... But.. We still haven't gotten any sort of idea what Mr. OP is actually trying to do.... and that's the crux of the whole question.... Is he trying to ferment Orange juice - or is he trying to make an apple cider with an orange essence? Thanks
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    orange hard cider?

    X2 Daze.... What are you trying to do? Ferment orange juice or make an Orangey Apple Cider? Thanks
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    Orange wine. Will it work please ?

    Orange can be tough - because it's really acidic and the acid is Citric acid... Some flavors of Malo-lactic turn Citric acid into vinegar.... If you want a super intense Orangey-ness without super duper sour and bitter - try Orange blossom mead.... You can bump up the orangey-ness with...
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    Honey Choices

    Personally - I would see if you can wrangle a small "Sampler pack" with maybe a baby food jar worth of each one.... Mix 1 tsp of honey in a 4 or 6 tsp worth of warm water.... You can slurp/sniff to get an idea of the sorts of flavors and aromas that underlie the "Sweet" of the honey.... It...
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    Ageing ?

    Really, the biggest thing for me is the alcohol content, intensity of the flavors, and the fusel alcohol character... If you made a reasonably low alcohol mead (<10%) - then it will be more drinkable sooner... If you added super intense flavors - then sometimes they need to age longer to...