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  1. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    Roasted malts, especially chocolate malt, can vary considerably based on origin/maltster. I like to use a darker chocolate malt for this recipe. That should help. For the hops, I don't know why your number isn't coming out the same. I used beersmith when I originally posted this recipe, but I no...
  2. NCBeernut

    Summer Beers to drink according to

    Yeah, I also thought their choices were kind of odd for summer. I can't imagine drinking a milk stout out on the beach ("Milk was a bad choice!"). I would say about half of them were certainly reasonable though. Saison Dupont is probably the best summer beer of all time, so I am really glad they...
  3. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    I just finally rebrewed this last week following the all-grain recipe exactly as written, but with a large starter of Wyeast American Ale II. I'm taking a gravity sample today after work and will post my findings. I'm hoping the slight over-pitching will keep me from having any attenuation problems.
  4. NCBeernut

    Help with my first clone attempt

    Here is what I do in general. 1. Look at the brewers website for any info already given to you. 2. Contact brewery and ask them. Some will divulge a lot, some not so much. 3. Search online for clone recipes or info. 4. Drink the beer with the information you now have and finalize the recipe.
  5. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    I like to add 3oz of Ghirardelli cocoa powder with 5-10 min left in the boil to add a chocolate flavor that blends really well with my porter. You could try that.
  6. NCBeernut

    Goodness...Anheuser makes alot of "stuff"

    Everyone has their own opinions, but trying to be objective as possible and trying to take into account the brewer's intent, Boddington's is just absolutely terrible.
  7. NCBeernut

    Beer tastes stale even when fresh. Why?

    That was my guess. Everything else seems to pass inspection. That would explain the similarity to BMC as well - not saying they have DMS in their beer, but I think there are flavors that one could compare to DMS.
  8. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    Its more of a brewing practice to use yeast nutrient, so many brewers who actually use nutrient don't list it in their recipe. Actually, the word recipe is often misused in the brewing world - many people list ingredients and call it a recipe while leaving out details like mash temps, nutrient...
  9. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    Flaked Barley would be a very welcome addition. I never thought about using it, but with the lactose, it would really make a nice full-bodied stout.
  10. NCBeernut

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    The Denny's yeast is key. Just sayin. I love it for all stouts/porters.
  11. NCBeernut

    Java Mocha Stout help

    I would add 3-4oz good cocoa powder in the last 5-10 min of the boil, then add cold steeped coffee at bottling to taste. Personally, I would do it with a porter. I think you could get a better mocha flavor than with a stout. Taste a sample before you bottle. If it isn't enough chocolate, you...
  12. NCBeernut

    Longer boil to adjust FG?

    Beersmith volume calculations are not very accurate in my experience. I always ignored them. I actually stopped using it completely when I got an iPhone. I found the BrewPal app to give me really accurate calculations for my system, so I just use that now.
  13. NCBeernut

    Recipe based on extra hops

    6 lb 2-Row 2 lb Munich 2 lb Wheat 1 lb Crystal 20 1oz Warrior @ 60 0.25oz Columbus, 1oz Centennial @ 10 0.5oz Amarillo @ Dry Hop Mash at 150 for 45 minutes Ferment with your favorite American ale yeast. Honestly you don't have enough hops there to make an IPA in my opinion, but...
  14. NCBeernut

    Longer boil to adjust FG?

    A longer boil will increase your gravity, but you will lose volume obviously. Another option would be to add a calculated amount of extract to the boil to make up for the gravity difference. Yet another option would be to blend the lower gravity batch with a higher gravity batch.
  15. NCBeernut

    haven't seen this before...

    Nothing for him to worry about. Agreed. Tis the season.
  16. NCBeernut

    haven't seen this before...

    Well it does make my beer, so we have a pretty loving relationship ; ) My passion in this thread comes from my distaste for people that have a habit of spreading bad information, yet always insist on arguing...
  17. NCBeernut

    haven't seen this before... Here. In well stratified yeast wash, you can really see the healthy yeast vs the other stuff. Again, it is important to note that his jar is NOT washed yeast cake. It is a starter. Besides, do you really think he would have that much trub...
  18. NCBeernut

    haven't seen this before...

    Revvy, you are making the assumption that there is trub in there. Just look at the jar. Any experienced homebrewer that makes starters should know what healthy yeast looks like. In unwashed yeast from yeast cakes where there is all kinds of other trub, the yeast can be a bit more brownish, but...
  19. NCBeernut

    haven't seen this before...

    Sure you don't have that backwards? Healthy yeast is the color of the bottom layer.
  20. NCBeernut

    Have 2 Growlers, What Do I Do with Them?

    For every guy who has had a growler explode, there are probably 20 who have had an entire batch of bottle bombs. Does that mean we should stop bottling too?