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  1. G

    Look OK?

    I'm in Springfield. Can't remember what varieties I have. I water every day and use fertilizer every two weeks. It's gonna suck bad next month when the japanese beetles move in!
  2. G

    Look OK?

    I'm also in Vermont. My hops are about 8 feet tall now! One single plant has about 24 bines. The leaves are dark green. It's about 7 years old, what are yours?
  3. G

    Anyone brew with their 2012 crop yet?

    I just brewed a wet hop beer, 5 gallons. Used all 3 pounds of hops I grew this year, right after picking. 60 minute boil, with equal additions every 10 minutes. We'll see how it comes out in a month or so...
  4. G

    fricking hop leaf eating caterpillars

    will this work if the caterpillars are always on the bottom side of the leaf?
  5. G

    fricking hop leaf eating caterpillars

    so how do i kill those little damned leaf eating caterpillars? i'm sick off picking them off one by one with tweezers. is there any chemical i can use now to kill them before the actual hops start growing? they are chewing holes in the leaves already. and don't get me started on japanese...
  6. G

    recipe for lots of hops and honey?

    I have about a pound of hops I grew last year, and 4 pounds of dark winter honey. Any ideas to make a beer using up both? Seriously, I have to use this stuff, and I was just going to make a quick, simple beer with a few cans of amber malt extract or a few pounds of light DME. 5 gallon batch...
  7. G

    harvest done

    Just finished vacuum packing this years harvest. One plant only had 2 ounces dried. The other had 27 ounces dried, filled a 6 gallon bucket. Yay! Both plants are 3 years old. Looks like I have to move one into more sun. I also planted 4 new rhizomes this year, so we'll see what time will tell.
  8. G

    rainy weather and harvesting hops?

    It's been pretty rainy here every day lately, with more in the forecast. So how do I tell if my hops are ready to pick? And if I pick them when waterlogged with rain, is there anything special to do when drying?
  9. G

    Everyday obsoleted terms...

    i'm old at 34 i guess. i sub at the local high school. one day last week, kids were trying to figure out how to use a floppy disk- how do i put it in, these things have no memory, etc. another day they were talking to each other about cassette tapes in regards to a project about the 1990's-...
  10. G

    New England Brew Session & yankee enginuity

    keep us posted! i really want to meet the rest of you southern vermont guys. barrett
  11. G

    Health Insurance

    don't live in massachusetts where you are required BY LAW to have health insurance. they say it makes the economy better, since everybody has health insurance. but who can afford $200 a month with high premiums? and if you don't have health insurance, they won't renew your drivers license...
  12. G

    I just found out...

    just say buh-bye i quit today. tell the new place that you gave 2 weeks notice. then enjoy a 2 week vacation! back in the day, i quit one place for a better job. when they said i couldn't quit and they needed me, i reminded them about giving me a 5 cents an hour raise a month before, and...
  13. G

    Any Simpsons fans???? who lives in the real springfield? yeah me. suck it losers. i'll be at the world premier of the simpsons movie with matt groening while you hosers sit at home watching reruns. i may be the only homebrewer in this town, so i can...
  14. G

    Student Loans

    damn, i owe almost $40,000 for an mfa in painting (with loans too for aa and ba degrees). what am i gonna do with that degree? i teach one course a semester at the local community college right now. just a foot in the door and experience until i can get a tenured postion making $50,000 a year...
  15. G

    yeast and incubation temp problems

    i made a 5 gal batch of cream ale. looked in the fridge, and my wyeast smackpack was a year old! i know, bad planning on my part... i smacked it anyways, it took 4 days to expand. thought that was a good sign, dumped it in, 3days later nothing. drove an hour to the 'local' hbs, got a...
  16. G


    i have a scanner that i only listen to on the weekends, especially when the weather is bad in the winter. we live in the middle of vermont ski country, and it seems like over 80 percent of the calls are about tourists from new jersey or connecticut who are doing double the speed limit, or...
  17. G

    Now for the names of you dogs!

    our doggy's name is Nola, for new orleans louisiana, where we got married. she's part husky and part other stuff, from the local shelter. almost 2 years old. barrett
  18. G

    Why can't houses be cheaper?

    my farmhouse built in 1850 in s.e. vermont cost $102,000 a year ago! it's got a garage big enough for my car, with plenty of room left over for brewing and all of my other crap too. the mortgage is around $700 a month including taxes and insurance, cheaper than rent for a smaller house! barrett
  19. G

    New England Brew Session & yankee enginuity

    i should try to make this one! hmmm, what beer can i have ready in a month? barrett
  20. G

    anybody have hop rhizomes for sale?

    i got me some xmas cash, and decided to buy hop rhizomes. every homebrew place is sold out! do you think anybody will have some for sale in the spring? does anybody here have a few they could part with? i planted some seeds last spring and they grew really good, maybe i'll be able to...