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  1. Mathematics

    Moving - Heavy trimming ok?

    I have 3 plants, 2nd year, all in 16" dia pots. The plan was to put them in the ground this spring, however we're now moving across country so I left them in the pots. The various vines are 4-6ft long so far, and growing quickly... any suggestions on how to move with these guys without...
  2. Mathematics

    Add Brett to Belgian Quad?

    Thanks for the reply. Some Orval sounded tasty so I had a couple bottles & pitched the dregs last night. Will probably let it sit for a few months, then bottle & hope they're good to go by Xmas.
  3. Mathematics

    Mixing WLP500 (chimay) & 3711 (french saison)

    Never updated this thread. 3711 is one of my favorite yeasts, this was one of my learning experiences with it. It totally took over the beer, lots of great saison-y spice but not much fruit. If I'd done this again, I would've given the WLP500 a couple weeks minimum before adding the 3711.
  4. Mathematics

    Add Brett to Belgian Quad?

    Brewed 7/19/13 with an OG of 1.12, racked after 6 months and then just again last night (kinda forgot about it in a corner of the basement...). Anyways FG is sitting at 1.023, which is about 12.75%. I was expecting it to have spoiled as the airlock was just about dry but to my surprise its...
  5. Mathematics

    Mixing WLP500 (chimay) & 3711 (french saison)

    Pitched at day 3, as krausen was falling. Moved into a 75F room to finish for the next couple of weeks. I'll have to make a note to update this thread on how it turns out.
  6. Mathematics

    Mixing WLP500 (chimay) & 3711 (french saison)

    Was initially hoping to just rack on top of a cake of 3711 from the previous batch, however after bottling yesterday there just wasnt much left...made a starter of the tiny bit that was left, however definitely not enough for 5 gal's. Plan: Pitch WLP500 at 67F, raise to 72F over the course...
  7. Mathematics

    Cherry-Vanilla Melomel

    bump - doing something very similar, how'd this turn out?
  8. Mathematics

    Cherry Vanilla Melomel questions - when to add fruit/vanilla

    This is only my third mead, and the first where I haven't pretty strictly followed a recipe I've found here or on's what I have, for a 5 gal batch: 14# clover honey 8# sweet cherries 3# cherry puree 4 Madagascar vanilla beans 2 packets of KV1116 (rehydrated & made a...
  9. Mathematics

    Am I in trouble? Orval dregs for a month, then bottlling

    Bottled with corn sugar, didn't use a carbonation calculator This is what I was thinking. Thanks for the responses, bottles will all be going into the fridge tonight...well maybe I'll leave one out to see what happens.
  10. Mathematics

    Am I in trouble? Orval dregs for a month, then bottlling

    Brewed up a Belgian IPA - 1.07 OG, 1.015 FG, 65 IBU's After 4 weeks I pitched 2 bottles of Orval dregs into the carboy because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Dry hopped 2 weeks later, then bottled with 1/2 cup sugar about 2 weeks after that. It's been about 4 weeks since I...
  11. Mathematics

    Dunkles Weissbier Highly hopped Drunkel-Bock

    Ya brown sugar should go in last 10-15 minutes of the boil...or atleast thats what I do. And I'd definitely toss atleast an oz of Hallertau or something similar at 15 minutes left in boil...get more of the classic dunkel hop flavor.
  12. Mathematics

    Dunkles Weissbier Highly hopped Drunkel-Bock

    Into the boil, then another 2/3 of a cup for bottling. Man this wasn't all that long ago that I posted this and I already feel like this recipe is way over the top now. Funny how our recipe-making seems to change the longer we brew :) I'd change the 60min bittering addition to something with...
  13. Mathematics

    triple IPA

    Chouffe Houblon is in my mind the archetype for this style, and every clone recipe I've seen for it has sugar added. I think without the addition of sugar you wouldn't end up with a beer thats attenuated enough for the style either. My $.02
  14. Mathematics

    Looking for recipe critique - Belgian IPA

    Looking for a critique/suggestions/thoughts on this recipe...hoping to brew this weekend 5.00 lb Pilsner DME (3.0 SRM) 2.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) Bel (3.0 SRM) 0.50 lb Victory Malt (25.0 SRM) 0.50 lb Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) 0.50 lb Wheat, Flaked (1.6 SRM) 1.00 lb Caramunich Malt...
  15. Mathematics

    Thinking about a Belgian IPA

    Not sure I 100% agree with this, wouldn't you want a bit of a thicker malt backbone to balance out the hops? Brewing some sort of Belgian IPA this week on a cake of WLP515, might use 1/2lb of piloncilo but thats about it. Also - Any thoughts on using all noble hops? Every recipe I see has a...
  16. Mathematics

    Total Infection

    I have had the same problem...repeated batches getting infected, even after I cleaned up my sanitation practices & replaced plastics. I did a batch at my gf's place (off-site as recommended above), and low & behold it turned out fine. The apartment I was living in at the time had very poor...
  17. Mathematics

    Anyone used WLP515 Antwerp Ale?

    Using this yeast for a belgian pale today...from the white labs website, alot of the reviews talk about the sulfur present during fermentation, but that it completely cleans up leaving a very clean flavor in the bottle. But being you posted in Dec, I'm sure you're already drinking the...
  18. Mathematics

    Day 5 with WLP530 - safe to leave it?

    Blowoff tube it is, krausen started early this morning and hit the top just about an hour ago. WLP530 does not ferment politely.
  19. Mathematics

    Multiple Yeast Additions?

    Lots of belgian beers have multiple yeasts added, or the same yeast added multiple times, and then use a neutral ale yeast to bottle. Not as out of the ordinary as you'd think. As a homebrewer I don't see alot of value using multiple yeasts, unless it's adding something like bret for longer aging.
  20. Mathematics

    Day 5 with WLP530 - safe to leave it?

    Ya you would think, last time I used WLP530 though I did a belgian stout in the same fementer, and that blew off at right about the 2 day mark. That was 1.065 or so, this beer is closer to 1.095