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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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    Cloning Yuengling's Hershey Porter

    I wouldn't bother adding the syrup until secondary to see what flavor survives any renewed fermentation. If it's not enough then definitely stabilize and backsweeten to get the flavor you want, I do this all the time with different flavor coffee shop syrups. As for the cocoa powder the flavor...
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    Worst Mead Ever - Any Help

    Oh yeah, Styrofoam cooler (lid doesn't need to close), a couple frozen water bottles and a stick on thermometer from the aquarium section is super simple temp control for hot weather, not precise but way better than nothing.
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    Worst Mead Ever - Any Help

    I agree that aging will help but I would absolutely stabilize and add back some of the flavor you want before bulk aging. Once the yeast is "dead" warm up some honey 3-5oz at a time and incorporate it into your mead, taste and add more honey until you hit the mark. Get some more tart cherry...
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    Aging in Secondary Questions

    Also taste test after 2 weeks, and then as often as you feel necessary until it tastes good to you.
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    San Diego's Must Drink and See

    If you are going to be at White Lab's anyway, do yourself a favor and check out the Miralani Makers District (1.5 miles from White Labs). In a little industrial park area this district features a world class meadery (Lost Cause), a cidery (Serpentine), a winery (Charlie & Echo) plus 3 beer...
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    Failed BrewersBest Kit? What'd I do wrong?

    Also, fermentation could easily finish in 48 hours or less if your temperature is too warm.
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    Failed BrewersBest Kit? What'd I do wrong?

    Your initial reading could have been off by a little if you didn't let the sample cool before measuring or way off if you took the sample prior to topping up to 5 gallons. Best bet is to not worry at all until you can take another reading to confirm if you had any fermentation at all.
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    Bray's One Month Mead

    I've been using the same pack of 1388 for about 6 months. I made a 1 liter starter with the full package of yeast, split this into 2 pint size mason jars and cold crash. On "brew" day, I remove 1 mason jar from the fridge and immediately decant 90% of the liquid from above the yeast and let the...
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    Newbie here - Does this all look right?

    I second the recommendation for BOMM - it's a sticky thread at the top of the Mead forum. I have made over a dozen Meads/Bochets/Ciders/Cysers using the nutrient protocol (TOSNA?) and yeast recommended for BOMM. Wyeast 1388 (the original recommended) and also with 2 of the dry yeasts that had...
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    Rhubarb Pie with Vanilla Sauce Small Melomel 7%

    I hope you don't think I was questioning your taste, I just wanted to understand why you would use hops and an ale yeast for this. Good to hear the flavors are coming through as you like. I am going to absolutely try some rhubarb pie the first time I get the chance! PROCEED WITH GREAT CAUTION...
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    Rhubarb Pie with Vanilla Sauce Small Melomel 7%

    No comment on the overall flavor profile but only because I can't imagine these flavors all together in my mind. Here are a few things that jump out for me though in one way or another. Why use bittering or aroma hops in this recipe at all? Only asking because it seems like you put them in as...
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    Need help with a Russian Imperial Stout on Oak Cubes

    I personally haven't had any luck with bourbon soaked oak cubes in beer giving me even the slightest barrel aged flavor I was looking for and I really did try. Best barrel aged beer I have made so far was using a new/fresh 5 liter oak barrel from Amazon (~$50) which I filled with cheap bourbon...
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    Syrup in primary

    After fermentation is complete I rack off the lees and then use Campden & Potassium Sorbate to prevent further fermentation during back-sweeting. I regularly make simple syrups for flavor & back-sweeting to great effect with Cider, Cyser and Mead. I recently made a lemon vanilla simple syrup...
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    Beginner Keg, Carbonation, Regulator Questions

    Thank you both, I will see what I can figure out with the regulator tonight and contact the seller if it appears to be deficient in any way.
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    Beginner Keg, Carbonation, Regulator Questions

    Thank you again, I'll try turning it slowly and see what happens.
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    Beginner Keg, Carbonation, Regulator Questions

    This is what I was expecting to be able to do when I was researching before purchasing, but it might be either my user error or a design limitation with this particular mini keg/growler. I'm not sure how to turn the regulator on without it maxing out. If the regulator is on and I pull the...
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    Beginner Keg, Carbonation, Regulator Questions

    Bottle bombs not a concern, thanks for clarifying. As for replacing the volume lost with CO2 would I just turn the regulator back on until it maxes out again and then release the pressure until it goes back down to 7-10psi? Sorry again if this all sounds obvious, it's easy to find information...
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    Beginner Keg, Carbonation, Regulator Questions

    I recently purchased one of those 1/2 gallon mini keg/growlers with a mini regulator that takes 16g CO2 cartridges to force carbonate a VERY stubborn barrel aged stout. Opened up the regulator all the way and it maxes out between 20-25psi. 24 hours later I turned the regulator off and released...
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    Cyser Starting Gravity

    Thanks everyone! So I'm looking at about 10% then - no complaints here!
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    Cyser Starting Gravity

    Made a rookie mistake and completely forgot to measure my starting gravity on my first ever Cyser. I have made several ciders, meads and beers, this was just a space out moment on my part. Recipe was simply 1 pound honey in 1 gallon apple juice. I know the apple juice that I always use for...