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  1. E

    Bad brew Day :(

    It's the same amount of grain every batch. Just the wind kept blowing out the flame. And wouldn't keep a steady flame either. So every time I get the boil going it will blow out. I hope it's not ruined it's for my sons b day party at the end of the month
  2. E

    Bad brew Day :(

    Well I never thought id have a bad brew day but I just did over the weekend. I spent all day Sunday cleaning all of my equipment to include my plate chiller which has given me problems before. So I boiled water added some PBW to it and ran it thru my pump and plate chiller and my oh my so much...
  3. E

    Using a keg to ferment

    Nice I have one of those. I actually bought a size 11 bung for it today. But I'll use the what is shown in the picture looks way cleaner. Is your sanke all the way out too??
  4. E

    Using a keg to ferment

    Can you send a pic of that? I think I have an idea of what you are talking about. Just to verify
  5. E

    Using a keg to ferment

    Just got a keg from a cousin and I was wondering if I can use it to ferment beer in? The SABICO keg fermentors that you see on like looks exactly he same minus the tap portion. I figure if I cause the keg to either ferment or even pour from it's a win for me and him. (He drinks my beer). If this...
  6. E

    BRBC Garage Brewery

    Wow I think you should hire employees like me. Yeah me. That's it I'm hired.
  7. E

    Questions on beer stand build

    Yeah mine sit about 4 inches below, just the way I built mine
  8. E

    Questions on beer stand build

    I don't have 11inch banjos but I use two 26pt burners and this ten dollar regulator from harbor freight works perfect
  9. E

    Homebrewers in ABQ or surrounding area?

    Went to grapes and granes and not bad they had rhizomes for sale, so I might pick some up before I leave back to Cali. So far so good. Nice brewing scene here.
  10. E

    Homebrewers in ABQ or surrounding area?

    Hey is traveling to ABQ this week for a vacation. Any breweries in that area? Also is there any HBS there as well?
  11. E

    First keg filled.

    Haha I remember that conversation with the wife lol
  12. E

    First keg filled.

    DUDE CONGRATS, I remember when I did my first keg I looked at my wife and said " wow that's it?" haha. How long do you plan to condition for?
  13. E

    Keggle Wrap

    man that looks very clean
  14. E

    Keggle Wrap

    I wanted three vessel I have he means to use a cooler but I got a great deal on a kettle semi system. So I want to use that.
  15. E

    Keggle Wrap

    So would you suggest using a 10gal igloo for the mash tun?!
  16. E

    Poor man's false bottom

    Yeah I ran hot water thru today it seems to work fine but I plan on my next day off to drill slightly bigger holes about two inches to every three inches.
  17. E

    Keggle Wrap

    Love this community thanks for the fast response!!!!
  18. E

    Keggle Wrap

    So I see on some others people threads and Pictures that their Keggle is wrapped in some metal pillow or something. I can take a guess and only think its for insulation for the mash rest. What are people using? Where can you buy it? I was almost tempted in buying a sun shade for like a car and...
  19. E

    Poor man's false bottom

    Well I'm new to all grain and I thought the less grain thru the better?