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  1. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Can y'all take this to a JAMA board or DMs? There's enough on-topic drama with the subject at hand without interjecting off-topic drivel. :off:
  2. Corrado

    alcoholic ginger beer

    I'd be interested to know how that worked out long-term. I *store* my yeast slurries in the fridge at about 34F and have reasonable viability after a year, so unless you freeze solid and literally rupture the yeast cells, I would expect that your best case scenario is drastically slowing down...
  3. Corrado

    PLEASE let the Northern Brewer buy-out be a hoax!

    FWIW, when I've complained to NB about that, they have (IMO) gone above & beyond to compensate for the delay and truly seemed to care about the customer having a positive experience. Also RE: the post below about LabelPeelers, absolutely +1. Those guys are solid.
  4. Corrado

    There's no such thing as a session IPA.

    Then how does it classify itself in any sort of IPA category? If you're going to add meaningless modifiers (e.g. "Session" to IPA), this sounds like a Hoppy Blonde (or Cream) Ale.
  5. Corrado

    There's no such thing as a session IPA.

    Super Session #2 is the beer that convinced me "Session IPA" was truly a bull**** sales term. As a trend, there's a hollowness to the beer that tastes like someone brewed a really good 4 gallon IPA batch and diluted it to 5 gallons. Hill Farmstead has recently threw up a "Blonde Ale"...
  6. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Do you have a source for that? I was told the exact opposite -- the stuff in the homebrew-sized vial is the same as the commercially-sized liquid. There's also a dry product called Brewer's Clarex that has a different dosage. Regardless, the dosage, for all practical terms, is by VOLUME, not...
  7. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    White Labs indicates 12ml/BBL for making gluten-reduced beer. The 10ml vial is very capable of handling a 5 gallon batch.
  8. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Thanks for the update! I have a friend who's Celiac and she's had my beer in relatively small quantities without effect.
  9. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    I just found that study this week as well. I don't know biochemistry well enough to comment on the results, but there are plenty of people here who can (and hopefully will) comment. It's still somewhat a matter of "beating the test" but their testing sounds like the degradation is pretty severe...
  10. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Ask White Labs. Their customer service is really responsive and courteous. When I was asking about Clarity Ferm, they said it needed to be in with fermentation. Here's the back & forth with them. Sarah/White-Labs: The enzyme needs the entire fermentation to work effectively. The vigorous...
  11. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    Thank you for the reply, that helps a lot. For the quoted paragraph, I, too, understand that to be a tremendous challenge for both diagnosis and treatment/mitigation of the condition.
  12. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    This is a "real" question vs. a typical forum "OMG UR WRONG!" comment. From my rudimentary understanding of nutritional science (and my lingo is almost certainly not on-par), "proteins" are molecules comprised from the combination a finite selection of Amino Acids. I'm not aware of any amino...
  13. Corrado

    Gluten sensitivty- or malto-Dextrin?

    Are you absolutely certain you sensitivity is Gluten vs. specific carbohydrates (e.g. FODMAPS)? FODMAPs and gluten frequently occur in the same foods and a FODMAP-sensitivity can be misdiagnosed as gluten-sensitivity. In either case, Maltodextrin (even when derived from wheat & labeled as...
  14. Corrado

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    I can understand issues the CD folks have with GF labeling using Clarity Ferm. From personal experience with my wife (who is sensitive to something in grain products) is that beer wrecks her stomach, but Omission and all of my ClarityFerm brews don't cause her problems (brewed up to 1.084...