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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Vamptrump

    Ohio Meet, Greet, Share, and Brew

    I just wanted to apologize to everyone looking forward to this. I've been so busy between a new house and other life things that I haven't had time to set anything up.
  2. Vamptrump

    Table Top RPG Plots

    I just gave a magic cloak (Cloak of the Satyr) to the only female character that will make you invisible when worn. The catch is (and she doesn't know this), the only way it will work is if you go back to nature under the cloak. The other catch is that it curses you with the satyr spirit giving...
  3. Vamptrump

    Table Top RPG Plots

    I heard word that they were going to take out there weapons and start attacking the walls. I'm leaning towards having it just be a plain tower that is being controlled by the lich. I'll figure it out on the fly probably.
  4. Vamptrump

    Table Top RPG Plots

    So, I haven't provided an update in awhile. Currently the party is inside a tower that is bigger on the inside. They encountered a maze of fire that changed orientation after every step, with a key to the changes on the door frame. After they got through that they went into a study that was...
  5. Vamptrump

    Why is everyone only into IPA's
  6. Vamptrump

    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    Unita's Birthday Suit 22nd Anniversary. Imagine wrapping twizzlers around pepperoni. Eating it. Then vomiting it up into a bottle. Now drink that. I think that's as accurate as I can get.
  7. Vamptrump

    Brewing Safety

    If you have a leak in the valve on your mash tun...don't reach down into the mash to tighten a bolt. That seems pretty obvious, but after a few beers I thought I could do it...
  8. Vamptrump

    Bottle Shares

    I didn't get a chance to try it, but the guy who said the rest of the beers had too much flavor really enjoyed it.
  9. Vamptrump

    Bottle Shares

    Vanilla + IPA always sounds strange, but I've been a fan. There is a local brewery by me that does a vanilla ipa occasionally. First time I had it there I grabbed a growler to share with everyone I could. HF never disappoints, and this beer is no exception, I loved it.
  10. Vamptrump

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    You just made me groan so loud at work that I got looks.
  11. Vamptrump

    Old school beer pics

    Wasn't mine to drink sadly.
  12. Vamptrump

    Old school beer pics

    I figured I would add this gem that I came across this weekend in someone's basement when we were getting a pool table.
  13. Vamptrump

    Bottle Shares

    I've been told that sharing is caring. So why not share pictures of shares, it's like double caring! Let's see your bottle share results/damage, what were your favorites during the share? Attached picture is from a bottle share last night. Highlights of the night were an Avery's The Beast...
  14. Vamptrump

    Just found Doctor Who..

    I feel Capaldi really hits his stride in "Listen". Although I really enjoyed his performance in "Into the Dalek", although I didn't feel the episode was that strong. Favorite season 8 episodes: Listen, Time Heist, Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline, and the finale.
  15. Vamptrump

    Just found Doctor Who..

    New Companions Ranked: 1) Clara Oswald 2) Amy Pond 3) Martha Jones 4) Rose Tyler 1,000,000,000) Donna Noble
  16. Vamptrump

    Just found Doctor Who..

    You're wrong, but I respect your opinions. Capaldi has a Tom Baker feel to him, and I love it. And at no way am I a Whovian, except for my avatar, home brewery name (Who Brew), name of all my beers, massive tattoo leg piece, closet of shirts, all the sonics, etc. etc. etc. Okay, I might be...
  17. Vamptrump

    Just bottled an IPA that was in fermentor for 2.5 years

    The night of the living thread
  18. Vamptrump

    Bad Trade?

    No sir you have to understand, this Dark Lord is for cooking.
  19. Vamptrump

    What's your beer choice for Shotgunning a Beer?

    Ten fidy I watched people do this at Dark Lord this year...I almost threw up just watching it.
  20. Vamptrump

    Worst Songs for a Lap Dance

    -You Suffer - Napalm Death (only 1.316 seconds long) -Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle -Skin - Rascal Flatts