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  1. plowboy25127

    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    I'd like to know about the kit
  2. plowboy25127

    Pointless question...

    One time I took that challenge spent the rest of the night trying to make it to my bedroom
  3. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    Well I guess next time I'll have to use the peels lol
  4. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    I didn't use any peels in mine I thought the peels would of added off flavors
  5. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    I let it go a year before I got in to it after two it was really good and never made it to three years lol
  6. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    i used just bananas on the one. i used some left over bananas for a strawberry banana that was good. that time i used lalvin ec-1118 it turned out really good.
  7. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    I wanna say I used about 28 lbs lol . I always make a lil extra gallon or so for topping up
  8. plowboy25127

    Going bananas

    Umm when I did a banana wine
  9. plowboy25127

    wine yeast vs. beer yeast.

    Idk but I have always done my wine yeast like you the night before the one time I didn't I had to re pitch
  10. plowboy25127

    The original mead yeast became beer

    I'm interested to see where this goes.
  11. plowboy25127

    HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

    Ummm I want to know more about that panel in the bottom I like the way it looks.
  12. plowboy25127

    HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

    did you do the cd/bla bla bla before you tried the sudo? plan on working on this over this upcoming weekend and trying to fumble my way to get it to work. but i tried it with out the cd/ first and got what you did then i added the cd/ and got it to come up. so its worth a shot if you didnt add...
  13. plowboy25127

    Guide to Making a Frozen Yeast Bank

    Just thought I'd show what I picked up at work today to keep my yeast in. I might have added an alarm to it just cuz we had one laying around....
  14. plowboy25127

    HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

    Strange thing to me is mine did the exact same thing and the exact same timenow I get it the time change! Lol
  15. plowboy25127

    Boil kettle temperature control help

    After looking in to it I think I'm going to go for the EZboil has what I'm looking for and will be able to upgrade down the road with out having to wire a new box. Guess the only thing left todo is come up with a parts list order parts and build it here for everyone to see lol
  16. plowboy25127

    Boil kettle temperature control help

    Yea you do have a point Kombat can we just say I had a brain fart this morning before my coffee? Lol
  17. plowboy25127

    Boil kettle temperature control help

    I just need something to work for a boil kettle. Would like to use a stc. With the possibility to hold at a set temp. Anyone can point me to something like that that I can build myself?
  18. plowboy25127

    Simple electric boil kettle

    Kind of what I been looking for but is there one using an stc or is that even possible?
  19. plowboy25127

    Anyone in mid missouri?

    I'm in fayette and go see the in laws way to much in moberly...
  20. plowboy25127

    Kombucha Beer

    If you get it to work let us know I just might have to find a scoby and try it