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  1. TeufelBrew

    If you could have any object turned into a tap handle, what would it be?

    Dog chewed up the DirecTV remote. I'm thinking of making it into a tap handle for the Doghouse ale. Seems appropriate.
  2. TeufelBrew

    Busy Day?

    Started Carnitas, made chili verde, going to the farmers market for more green chilis and veggies. Having folks over to watch the preseason Bronco's game. And.. getting ready to go back to work after 2 weeks off, and a week in Cozumel. Brewed yesterday, modified your Dead Guy clone...
  3. TeufelBrew

    Brewing in the freakin' heat?

    Or go back to KC or central Texas where I spent most of my life. Yep, I know heat and humidity far to intimately. I do like bikini counting, no matter where I happen to be!:ban:
  4. TeufelBrew

    PSA - Breaking Into A Garage In 6 Seconds...

    There, fixed that fer ya.:ban:
  5. TeufelBrew

    Brewing in the freakin' heat?

    Will no one else say it??!?!?! Man UP!!! :D A little heat and humidity cleanses the soul and lends a sacred feel to creating your wonderous elixer. Be glad and rejoice that you can actually brew when it's hotter than Haides.
  6. TeufelBrew

    Other hobbies besides homebrew..

    Brewguyvering camping fishing riding my motorcycle reading voraciously planing for retirement oh, and woodworking
  7. TeufelBrew

    Age of Homebrewers & Years of Experience

    44 and almost 3 years. SWMBO rues the day she gave me a starter kit. She thought it would be one and done. HA!!!
  8. TeufelBrew

    Seeking Solace in NKC

    I'm back in NKC area for an indeterminate amount of time. Was comming to help my mother recover after heart surgery, but she had a stroke after the surgery. Will be in town for a while and want to find a good bottle shop with a large selection so I can take home some brews that not available...
  9. TeufelBrew

    What to brew with no central air

    Get a workable system going for fermentation temp control. Then you get to pick the style you want to consume and to he11 with what the ambient temp is. Re-purpose that extra fridge Swamp systems/evaporation Fermentation chamber with ice or refrigeration unit Dig a deep hole and apply...
  10. TeufelBrew

    Apfelwein: To carbonate or not to carbonate?

    I primary for 4 - 6 months. Yes, I said 4 - 6 MONTHS. Keg, and I'm lucky if half the keg makes it to carbed status. That's why I just started 10 gallons! I do prefer the carbed style. I feel there is more flavor and I tend to sip rather than gulp thanks to those tiny bubbles.
  11. TeufelBrew

    Any drawbacks to the Bayou Classic SQ-14?

    Love my SQ-14. Holds my 15 gallon Polarware pot with ease, and I use a March pump for all liquid transfers, so height isn't an issue. Had some issues with wind and heating up the surface below the stand, so I used some leftover aluminum flashing and made a quick head shield that also nixed...
  12. HeatshieldforSQ14


  13. TeufelBrew

    Dealing with Trub when Kegging

    I let most batches sit in primary for 3-6 weeks. When I rack, the trub is really dense and very little transfers to the keg. Like Yooper, I leave it for a couple of days in the kegerator to cool and carb. First pour of a few ounces is cloudy, but the rest of the keg is pure bliss.
  14. TeufelBrew

    NEED OPINIONS! Which one should I keg and bottle?

    I'll go Yooper one further in going against the grain. Buy another keg and keg them all! Age if you want, rotate if you want, drink all at once if you want.
  15. TeufelBrew

    What makes me happy is....

    Having 20 gallons fermenting away at one time. Ten gallons of Belgian based Centennial Blonde and ten gallons of Apfelwein. Ferm chamber bubbling away and two carboys happily gurgling on the side. If I had more room, I'd have more fermenting, but this is good for now.
  16. TeufelBrew

    *Caution* Beer Is Evil

    There, fixed er fer ya.:)
  17. TeufelBrew

    What is Apfelwein

    That's now quoted in my sig. LOVE it:ban:
  18. TeufelBrew

    Hard time controlling temp while steeping grains

    Yep, another's hooked on brewin.:ban:
  19. TeufelBrew

    No more rehydrating. I sprinkle!

    I really muck up the waters then. Love the March pump so much, I recirc the entire volume of water during the mash. Boil then no chill right into buckets. Allow to cool overnight, then sprinkle dry yeast, close again and wait 2 - 4 weeks, depending on the beer.