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  1. S

    Easy airlock question

    The only problem I see with idophor is that my understanding of it is that it looses it's disinfecting nature rather rapidly.
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    Never got around to racking to secondary. Should I bottle?

    Is this a true pils fermented at low temperature with lager yeast?
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    Easy airlock question

    Also the caps have little holes. Depending on the weather where you are, it can keep fruit flys out:) Although with my mead a few still managed to get into it somehow.
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    Amount of Priming Sugar?

    oz as in weight not volume. 8oz (weight) != 1 c. (volume)
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    Super Bowl (Brew) Day... whatcha brewing?

    Going out with a friend to work our dogs in tracking so no brewing here. No SB either though:) Plus I don't yet have a free primary:) Sometime next week though I should be doing another hefe to compare with the one that is in primary right now, and a APA.
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    metalic after taste

    Thanks all, So the general concesus seems to be that this is something that pops up from time to time, but no one is really sure of the cause:) I made a note in my brew log and will see if it mellows. I was planning on checking out a new brew store today (if I still get around to it) so maybe...
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    metalic after taste

    Ya, it was a dry DME and before I switched to Late extract. Also used molasses though. I suppose that could have sunk and burned. Can't remember if I remembered to turn the flame off for it either. Could be:)
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    life in the 2nd with concerns

    probably some yeast clumps taking a ride on some c02 bubbles. Don't worry about it. If the sample tastes ok, all's good.
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    metalic after taste

    I just popped a sample of my porter tonight (going on 4 weeks in bottle) and i'm getting a slight metallic after taste. I actually just got the same thing a few nights ago with a commercial brew. Someone bought michalob Dunkelweizen and I tried it. Same metallic after taste. Anyone know what...
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    Extract APA recipie

    Thanks all. I'll consider the Aromatic Malt and will go for the cut down 15. As for cutting the base extract... I tend to like beers a touch on the bigger side so I'm happy with 5%. Probably wind up just cutting the 15 and going as is. Still a week or so till I have the fermenter free so...
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    Krausen from hell....

    If u still have problems w/ clogging after that (I don't think u will) just leave the lid resting on top. Don't snap it down and put the bucket in a catch basen(sp) of some kind. Nothing is likely to get in ur beer when it is actively blowing it's top.
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    Krausen from hell....

    Cut of the X!;)
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    No Hydrometer. How do I know when fermentaion is done?

    Without a hydrometer, it's impossible to tell for sure. I'd run to a lbhs and pick one up. Assuming it was a normal gravity beer, and ur not gonna get a hydro, u will almost always be ok by 3-4 weeks. Usually much sooner, but it's best to wait atleast 3 weeks anyways. Depending on the yeast...
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    Breiss Pilsen Extract?

    Thanks all. I was trying to choose the lightest so that my specialty grains wouldn't darken it up too much. I usually use Muttons Light but I have found that after adding specialty grains it often comes out a bit darker then I would like. I was toying with the idea of cutting it with golden...
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    Extract APA recipie

    The late extract addition is mainly for hop utilisation. With it Beersmith (trial) gives me the IBU in the original post. At 41 I'm pushing up to the upper limits of the style. Given that would your recommendations still stand?
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    Extract APA recipie

    Hey all, I'm planning out a recipe for my next brew. What I'm aiming for is a rather hop forward APA, but not overwhelming. I have some questions if I am balancing enough with malt in my current incarnation, so looking for some opinions. It's gonna be all cascade. This is what I have...
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    What the F*ck was that? Growler Bomb

    Those ones w/ pewter handle and flip-top r ok from what I have heard.... EXPENSIVE though. Do a google on pressure rated growler.
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    Breiss Pilsen Extract?

    Sorry... just realized this should be in ingredients. Mods feel free to move:)
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    Breiss Pilsen Extract?

    Anyone use this dme in a ale before? I'm thinking of using 5.5# of this + 1# of Muttons ELDME in my upcoming APA? TIA -John
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    Am I missing anything?

    Ah...they r pricy. I'm not sure if I would do a split boil for my first brew. Just added complication. I would probably settle for a partial boil w/ top-off. Also if 2 pots for PM I would think you would want on bigger so u can mash in one, sparge in a second, then dump the mash into the...