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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. D

    Has brewing beer demystified beer for you?

    Yeah, I guess the mystery is gone(water, malt, hops,yeast) but the romance remains. I love going to different brewpubs and trying something new I always get so excited going to a new brewpub, kinda like going on a grown up field trip. I wonder about all the inspirations, frustrations, happiness...
  2. D

    Salt in beer????

    You know now that I'm thinking back, I do remember the whole salt in beer thing when my husband and I were in Mexico during Thanksgiving week a few years back. We were sitting at the bar in JJs Cantina in Cholla Bay, Rocky Point Mexico waiting for the ASU-UA football game to start. The place...
  3. D

    Salt in beer????

    Salt my watermelon? *Shutter!* I can't eat watermelon anymore, I'll develop a hoo Salt in my coffee grounds just makes my coffee taste bitter and salty, must have my creamer! I'll try a shake of salt in a belgian saison though, sounds interesting.
  4. D

    Salt in beer????

    Has anyone ever seen this done? I remember in the 70's and 80's my parents and their friends would tap salt into beer. They claimed it "reduced the foam". I thought maybe they were adding extra flavor to the beer(my folks were die hard Bud fans). Years later I tried that in some BMC beer, can't...
  5. D

    What Your Style of Beer Says About You

    Hilarious! As you can see by my username that I very much prefer wheat beers particularly Bavarian hefes.:D I'd hardly consider myself a naturalist by any stretch. I'm fairly modest and very much a girly girl who can't bear the thought of leaving the house with out makeup on or my hair done. I...
  6. D

    Spices I hate!!....and love.

    Gotta have cilatro in salsa!
  7. D

    you know what really grinds my gears

    Geez people! I don't see Waylon as being condescending. I see him coming to HBT to vent in an environment he feels comfortable. Come on, we all have the same thing in common with our love of the brew process, right??:mug: what grinds my gears is when the bartender at any brew pub...
  8. D

    Spices I hate!!....and love.

    Am I the only one who can't stand ginger? To me its like eating soap. I'm not that crazy about oregano or sage either . I do love garlic and cilantro though...a lot of it in salsa!:D
  9. D

    Anybody else love egg sandwiches!

    I love egg sandwiches! Its the second thing I learned how to cook when I was a little kid, I think I was five then. I remember hauling out a really heavy cast iron skillet, turning on the gas range, melting butter, cracking my egg, salt and pepper, adding cheese and letting it get all melty and...
  10. D


    You know in spite of my Russian heritage I've never had any interest what so ever in borscht. But since we're entering fall I'm looking forward to making soups and stews. Hmmm I might make split pea soup with ham and garlic cheese biscuits.:)
  11. D

    Puppy Name for Golden/Black Lab - Warning - Adorable Puppy Pictures to follow

    My dog is a cat! When she first charmed her way into our lives(she was living on the streets, about 6 months old)I wanted to name her "Sammie" because I wasn't sure if she was a boy kitty or girl kitty at first and I thought that name could go either way. My husband however wanted to name her...
  12. D

    How close is your "local" home brew shop?

    Most of y'all are so lucky!! Except for maybe Yooper.....:) The closest LHBS to me is 2 1/2 hours to the north, Las Vegas or 3 hours to the south, Phoenix. I usually order everything online. But even that can be tricky. The last time I ordered a brew kit online with liquid yeast, the package...
  13. D

    Where do you throw your hop trub?

    I dump it down the toilet.
  14. D

    First bottle bomb!

    None for me yet. I hope I never experience one. Sounds scary. Btw maybe you should store your bottles in a big rubbermaid container.....I'd hate the thought of not picking up all the broken glass and later stepping on some. Youch!
  15. D

    Beers You Want to Like... But Don't

    Okay, confession time here. I stated earlier on this thread that I wasn't fond of sours.... The one time that I tried a sour it tasted like sauerkraut juice. Horrible! Well I found I new brewpub that had a sour on tap, tried a taster and it was really good, very subtle. It was my "green eggs and...
  16. D

    Is this label a little racist?

    No the label is not racist, geez.
  17. D

    Stuck in a brewpub rut?

    I went to Phoenix/Scottsdale this memorial day mainly to take advantage of the smoking hotel deals this time of year(when the days becomes oppressively hot, hotel rates go way down). Anyway I almost always go to my absolute fav brewpubs here, Four Peaks brewery and San Tan brewery. I decided to...
  18. D

    Beers You Want to Like... But Don't

    I like the Belgians,Kolsch, saisons, some PAs and hefes. I try but just can't seem to wrap my taste buds around reds, Irish/Scottish ales, Imperial/Russian/Oatmeal stouts, sours and IPAs. I always thought that it taste would come eventually but not yet.
  19. D

    Anybody else brew beers you never really intend to drink?

    I brew pale ale for my husband, its not my favorite style but he loves it.
  20. D

    A trip to usa cant wait!!

    More stories! More pictures please!:)