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  1. Kugster

    Undershot gravity

    what was your grain bill
  2. Kugster

    How long is a yeast cake good?

    I've left yeast cakes for a week or two and they were still ok. If it smells fine in there and no sign of mold or anything it should be good. I always have intentions of doing it the next day and I too get busy and forget. I actually have one sitting now for just about a week now...going to...
  3. Kugster

    first dry hop

    shouldn't be any problem. Like I said b4...i don't even use a bag, I just toss the leaf hops into my secondary and rack the beer on top of them, and they just float on top. some eventually sink and float around in the beer. I think i get a good enough "aroma" from this way. On the marble...
  4. Kugster

    Igloo 10gal vs. HomeD/Rubbermaid MLT?

    I would have to order online to get the "original"...and it still gets cold here in the winter...ya know...down into the 40's sometimes, like this past winter, it got down into the 30's...maybe high 20's. We did have some frost. anyways...I did find an igloo for about $10 more then the...
  5. Kugster

    Igloo 10gal vs. HomeD/Rubbermaid MLT?

    Here's my question...For the price of the Igloo 10g cooler ($70) vs. the Rubbermaid cooler for about $40...which one do you think is better at holding temps ? I have a 5gal Igloo that does not budge on temp for 60mins. I love it but wanting more space for bigger beers now. These are the round...
  6. Kugster

    Keg conditioning/aging, carbed or uncarbed?

    I condition in corrnies all the time. never had any problems. I did start a thread last week about carbing in the is the link. I hit mine with gas to seal the lid and about every week I give it a little blast to keep...
  7. Kugster

    First Wort Hops: Do they replace the 60 min addition?

    I have been doing this for the last 4 or 5 brews and really like the outcome...I think I will continue to do this...I have yet to try eliminating the 60 min addition but that is next on the list.
  8. Kugster

    1st crack at a saison

    I was just going to add that same thought...I read that you step up the heat every so up into the 80's...that brings out the flavor and yeast characteristics...i've heard :D I'm planning on doing one this spring...have it ready for the 4th. I was thinking of saving the yeast out...
  9. Kugster

    Carbing with sugar in the keg...

    Roger just soaks into the beer easier when it's far as I know. Another question Yooper...why only half the amount of sugar? I will already be done racking probably by the time your able to answer this, but I'm going with what you said...just curious why? Cause it's...
  10. Kugster

    Carbing with sugar in the keg...

    yes, i agree with BoxoRain to wait till fermentation is done and if you are worried about the yeast...I was doing some reading in Palmer's book and he mentioned something about the yeast....if I may... "Ninety five percent of the time there is no difference between priming for lager beer and...
  11. Kugster

    Carbing with sugar in the keg...

    no thoughts exactly...+1 on the chest frezzer! good question...I usually transfer between 2 vessels then cold crash in the keg so mine come out pretty clear...if too much yeast drops out will that effect the carbing? Once the beer chills, the original carb pressure soaks...
  12. Kugster

    All-grain separated in the fermenter

    We may never know...
  13. Kugster

    American IPA Dogfish Head 60 Minute Clone (AG) & Extract

    Yes...I used Yooper's...I actually think mine came out better then the commercial one...little maltier...but I'm a little biased.
  14. Kugster

    First Wort Hops: Do they replace the 60 min addition?

    Well...starting week 2 in the fermenter and still bubbling away. I ended up using Wyeast 1332 PNW ale. Wanna see how that comes out. I over shot my mash temp by 2* but I think it will still be good. I came in at 1.063 and BeerSmith says I got 70% eff. I don't know how much I trust it's...
  15. Kugster

    American IPA Dogfish Head 60 Minute Clone (AG) & Extract

    Where have I been...under a rock? I HAVE to brew this...OMG!!! I have done the Dead Guy clone and that rocked...but this...oh yeah!!! I am actually a bigger fan of the 90min...but this will do. I am actually going to be up by my LHBS tomorrow...have to see if I have the xtra coin. The Stone...
  16. Kugster

    Carbing with sugar in the keg...

    Ya know...just trying something different. Like I said, since it's going to be conditioning for a few more weeks, why not? See if it will have a just with Co2?
  17. Kugster

    Good luck Revvy!

    I hope all goes well for ya. Stay positive!!! I'll say a prayer too... Cheers, Koogz
  18. Kugster

    Poor Efficiency- looking to improve

    Since I don't crush my own I didn't even think about this? The more I read about low efficiency, the more I hear about this being the issue. i try to learn something new every day!
  19. Kugster

    first dry hop

    I just throw mine in and rack onto them, no sac either...really never had any problem with the lose hops getting stuck in racking cane.
  20. Kugster

    Carbing with sugar in the keg...

    I am getting ready to rack to the keg, and since i am going to let it still condition for a few more weeks...instead of carbing with Co2 this time i was thinking of just putting the sugar in the keg and let it carb while it's conditioning. Or should I let it condition w/o the sugar... I've...