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  1. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    Thanks for the advice btw everyone.
  2. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    I am going to throw in a little sugar to dry it out a little more. Certainly don't want it to be cloying, and I've moved one of the dry hop ounces to flameout. Two reasons I'm going with all centennial are a.) I'm still learning so Want to really taste pure centennial in a DIPA, and b.) founders...
  3. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    Going for something along the lines of a hopslam but with all centennial. Hopslam is about 1.021 FG if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure dogfish 90 has a fairly high FG as well. Again I'm not going for a dry west coast style at all.
  4. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    Also, no offense Jammin, but if you would dump a 1.020 beer, then our tastes are waaay off from one another, and you just wouldn't like the type of beer I'm shooting for. I want a good maltysweetness in a DIPA to balance out the hops.
  5. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    A little tedious to copy the whole recipe over from beer smith, but I'm using 15 pounds of American 2 row with 2 pounds of Vienna and some crystal and honey malt (8 oz each). Also using Warrior at 60 for the IBUs and going for an east coast style malty DIPA.
  6. aqualung23

    Double IPA flavor/dry hop question.

    Doing a double IPA and looking for some advice. Right now I have the recipe with an ounce of centennial at 15, 10, 5, and flameout. Then dry hopping with another 4 oz. Shooting for and OG around 1.088 and an ABV around 8.9. Thinking of adding another oz. Of centennial at flameout and/or...
  7. aqualung23

    Defining english vs. American?

    The IBUs are pretty low, about 32, and the fruity esters of the English yeast really come out. I was going to dry hop, but I think I'm going to leave it alone. Amazingly smooth at 6.2%.
  8. aqualung23

    Defining english vs. American?

    I just made a pale ale with american 2-row, english ale yeast (us04) and hopped exclusively with cascade. Would this be defined as an English or american pale ale? Btw I intended to use us05 but accidentally bought us04, and I'm really happy with this Smash beer. Will probably become a mainstay...
  9. aqualung23

    So...what beer did I make?

    I plan to dry hop, but that doesn't technically add any IBU's. Just curious. I'm going to say its a DIPA because there's not really anything else that it's very close to.
  10. aqualung23

    So...what beer did I make?

    Was going for an IPA but overshot my gravity. 1.075->1.012 left me with a beer that is 8.27%, over the BJCP style guidlines for an IPA. However, the IBUs are only 50, leaving me short of the 60 minimum required to define an imperial IPA. So, what is this beer?
  11. aqualung23

    Adding fruit to secondary, how to sanitize the fruit?

    I don't do anything. Freeze the fruit and throw it straight into the bottom of the carboy.
  12. aqualung23

    Dry hop multiple strains?

    Ok so I'm going to get two ounces of each and maybe put in only 1.5-1.75 of the centennial.
  13. aqualung23

    Dry hop multiple strains?

    Oh and I'm looking for big citrus/grapefruit notes.
  14. aqualung23

    Dry hop multiple strains?

    5 gallons. Hop schedule was .5 OZ magnum 60m .5 OZ centennial 40m .5 OZ centennial 20m .5 OZ cascade 10m .5 OZ cascade 0m 50 IBU
  15. aqualung23

    Dry hop multiple strains?

    I just made a strong IPA (1.075), bittered with Magnum and flavored with cascade and centennial. I was thinking about dry hopping with an ounce each of cascade and centennial. Any thoughts?
  16. aqualung23

    Question about aging...

    I would highly reccomend you to go to the hardware store and spend $7 on a drill powered paint stirrer. It works amazingly well.
  17. aqualung23

    Question about aging...

    Wow that is great to know mort. A lot of things you read would make you think you need to inject pure O2 into a big beer.
  18. aqualung23

    Question about aging...

    Great thanks. I was thinking a similar range. I want to make something that I won't have to wait a year to drink. Once I build up a little stockpile I'll try something like a RIS or maybe even a sour.
  19. aqualung23

    Question about aging...

    Looking to do a bigger beer than the 4-6% range I've done so far (AG). I know things like Barleywine and Imperial Stout should be aged for a while, but what about a strong ale or stout in the 7-8% range? Do they need extended aging or are they good sooner?
  20. aqualung23

    Thoughts on Secondary Fermenting

    Here's my $.02. I don't like to take a bunch of gravity readings, because you lose beer, and I try to open my primary as infrequently as possible. I take one at about 10 days, and another at 14. If they are the same, I bottle. If not, I take another in 2-3 more days and if it's the same as the...