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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. TurboBrew

    The Extract "twang" - what is it? - totally didn't expect an actual accreditation association to exist. Gotta love google. But seriously, forums lack the crucial fact checking that a published research work has. It makes it very hard to believe that something I have never witnessed in my own...
  2. TurboBrew

    The Extract "twang" - what is it?

    Forums aren't legitimate reference. It's just word of mouth. Meaning no one has ever done any accredited research on "extract twang". I completely agree that old gross malt extract will male gross old tasting beer.
  3. TurboBrew

    The Extract "twang" - what is it?

    I've made many extract beers and have not experienced this. If you search malt extract twang, the only sources you get are forums. I don't think it exists. I think it's just a flaw caused by something else that's being blamed on the malt extract.
  4. TurboBrew

    "Premium" Brew Kettle: Worth the Money?

    First off, don't get a 10 gal. Get a bigger pot. Second, how important is saving money to you? This nicer pots are..well..nicer, but cost more. A keggle will boil wort, you can put all the same doo-dads on it, but those blichmans just look stinking awesome. The ONLY complaint I have...
  5. TurboBrew

    Using old hops for dryhopping. Pointless??

    Old hops make beer taste like gross cheese. Really Really old hops taste like nothing. Nothing worse than a beer that tastes like velveeta.
  6. TurboBrew

    Cheapest beer possible

    7 lbs. of 2 row 1 oz Magnum @ 60 min. Lager Yeast
  7. TurboBrew

    Do I need to dump this batch?

    Taste it. If it's too gross to drink then dump it. Pretty simple.
  8. TurboBrew

    Pouring like a Noobie?....Riiiiiiight.

    I just hand my guests a glass and point them toward the taps. Problem solved. Most don't understand that the beer doesn't come out slower if you open the tap halfway, only foamier. They'll usually ask what they're doing wrong after their second failed pour.
  9. TurboBrew

    If this mash tun

    Mexican jumping malt.
  10. TurboBrew

    100 gallons...

    Look I'm famous! I'm the one in the red shirt and I have to agree with everyone, it's an awesome setup.
  11. TurboBrew

    Received Free Brew Kit

    Nope, it's a goner. My first attempt at brewing was a Mr.Beer kit I found in my fathers attic. Must've been 10 years old. Needless to say the yeast were very very dead.
  12. TurboBrew

    What styles can you not drink?

    Any chelada style beer. Gross. I love wheats though. Don't bash wheat until you've had a kristall weiss. HUGE difference between that and a hefeweizen. I rarely buy belgians. Not that I don't like them, but I tend to drink alot when I drink and you just can't quaff pint after pint of...
  13. TurboBrew

    Is there a rule of thumb for aging based on O.G.?

    Thats going on the wall in my brew room.
  14. TurboBrew

    Hopped Malt

    Welcome to HBT - TONS of great info on here. I ferment in glass carboys. I use my bucket for bottling though. Keep it around. I only made 2 prehopped batches and they turned out good. The only reason I moved on to unhopped extract is more flexibility in my brewing. Also, a warning...
  15. TurboBrew

    Polycarbonate okay?

    Just to summarize - baby bottles cause flipper growth. I'd say try it. There's nothing in that bottle that you aren't exposed to from 20 other sources anyways.
  16. TurboBrew

    Couple questions and a prediction request.

    Well I really butchered this one. My fermentation is stuck at 1.020. I'd be ready to assume that I failed to stir my wort properly and therefore got an incorrect SG reading except for the fact that the sample I took today still tastes very sweet. Should I slowly raise the temp and rouse the...
  17. TurboBrew

    So many domestic "Belgian" ales are too phenolic

    + 1 on the dirty beer lines. Go to a bar full of BMC drinkers and order a maredsous on tap. Fizzy cardboard.
  18. TurboBrew

    Sam Adams Triple Bock- ewwww!

    So did the stuff sour in the bottle over time? Surely Sam Adams wouldn't have put a beer that foul on the shelves.
  19. TurboBrew

    Unexpected visit while brewing an APA

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to discover that bees like the smell of wort. Siphoned a batch out a while back only to find a couple of well cooked bees in the bottom of my brew pot.
  20. TurboBrew

    Is Blue Moon an accurate representation of a Witbier?

    :off: What makes hoeegarden so white? I've brewed several wits (extract mind you) and have never had a "white" beer