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  1. JoeShmo

    Bentonite question

    Excellent answer! Thank you so much. The kit does also come with isinglass for when fermentation is finished. I was just curious as to why the "before", when everything I found on my google search made it sound like it is used strictly after fermentation. You explained it perfectly! Thanks...
  2. JoeShmo

    Bentonite question

    I looked up the purpose of bentonite, and found that it is a clearing agent. I bought a winexpert riesling kit, and they always have me add it before mixing juice and water and pitching yeast. I guess I'm just confused as to why they cal l for this addition do early. Their wine always comes...
  3. JoeShmo

    How many gallons of EdWort's Apfelwein have been made?

    Just made 6 gallons of Ed's recipe yesterday. And thanks for the recipe! 25602.5 + 6 = 25608.5
  4. JoeShmo

    My first batch

    Thanks for the replies everyone, and I didn't mean to get people arguing. As idiotic as I feel from my experience, I'll share the ending of the story..... gave the pale ale another week in the fridge and they taste better every day. I think the hops just had a little more bite and lingering...
  5. JoeShmo

    My first batch

    Just thought of something funny. My first beer is like my first wife: looks and smells great and gives great head, but when it's over you ask yourself "why did I work do hard on that relationship?". :D
  6. JoeShmo

    My first batch

    I actually have one now, and it worked great on my third brew. between that, and trying to plan brew day around when I've got the actual time to do it, I should be better off from here on.
  7. JoeShmo

    My first batch

    Thanks, its kinda disheartening so far. So much time, effort, and money into beer that makes a pretty good marinade, and thats about it.
  8. JoeShmo

    My first batch

    So im doing my best to enjoy my first brew, a pale ale kit from my lhbs. It has some off flavor that I can't really describe. Bitter is all that really comes to mind (maybe metallic?). I know I pitched while it was still warmer than it should have been, around 80°f Also, it was fermenting in...
  9. JoeShmo

    white stuff on side of my carboy

    Post a pic and I can almost guarantee most of the experienced brewers on here have seen it before and will be able to help you out.
  10. JoeShmo

    Superbowl beer choice

    I have a 12 pack of summit winter sampler, and for washing down my ridiculously hot wings, a case of grain belt nordeast. Gonna try one of my pale ales from my first brew. only been bottled for a week and a half, but it's the super bowl. Can't think of a better excuse to give it an early sample
  11. JoeShmo

    Getting back into brewing

    That's a great "welcome home!" Thanks to your son for serving
  12. JoeShmo

    Free on Amazon today - 300 Homebrew Tips

    Thanks for the heads-up!
  13. JoeShmo


    Mine also got a kick out of it. Some people need to loosen up. These days, everyone is looking got a reason to be offended.
  14. JoeShmo


    My wife will drink a beer now and then, but she enjoys wine a lot more. My solution? Buy a wine starter kit and the most expensive chardonnay kit my lhbs had to offer. this way when I'm checking on my beer, I'm also making sure things are going well with her wine and my hobby is not just for me.
  15. JoeShmo


    I had to look out up myself, swmbo = she who must be obeyed
  16. JoeShmo


    Mine likes beer, except she is currently pregnant and the smell of brew day isn't agreeing with her too much. Kind of a bummer because she was right at my side until the hops addition. We've had to come to an agreement that until the next little one is born, brew days are only for when I have...
  17. JoeShmo

    Any other recent/to be new Dads?

    My 14 mo old Nolan, (he's 12 mos in the pic) in his first real snowstorm
  18. JoeShmo

    My daily noob question

    Thanks yet again for the responses guys. This forum is great, and you guys that know what you're talking about never seem to get annoyed at us noobs. (at least you hide it well, anyway)!
  19. JoeShmo

    My daily noob question

    I've been sampling along the way too. So far, the peak pale is tasting more like beer every 3 days!