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  1. W

    did this get an infection

    Still fairly new to this myself, but at this point I'd say just looks like the yeast is starting to work and those little specks of yeasties will be the beginning of a nice healthy krausen
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    Caramel Apple Hard Cider

    Have been enjoying my first batch of this for about 3 weeks and have my second batch cold crashing right now...flat out awesome, but while reading some of the posts about pasteurizing I just remembered what happened last week...had made and bottled my first batch and while bottling, no idea why...
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    The Magical Miracle of Hops!!!

    How much hops are you using and how long are you letting them dry hop...I have a 5 gallon batch nearly done that I could experiment with and some Mosaic hops coming in the mail today
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    Seeking Moose Drool Brown Ale Advice

    Haven't brewed it yet, but it's on my list of upcoming brews, if you want a brown ale with kick I would look for threads/links to Tasty's "Janet's Brown Ale" , by every description it's a brown ale with the hop kick you say you're looking for
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    Do I have to pasturise, cold crash?

    If it fermented dry and all you added was the 3/4 cup of dextrose you should be fine...after sitting for 6 weeks you may want to turn them upside down for a couple days at the warmer temp and then back right side up to rouse the yeast and get it working again for a good carb level
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    Is my pot causing infection?

    Wasn't arguing the Alum/Stainless thing at all, I still use aluminum and all my beers have come out good, so I'm in no great hurry to change and while the taste/cross contamination of flavors issue is anecdotal at best I was just offering up what I had heard and aluminum is cheap enough that I...
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    Is my pot causing infection?

    Pretty new to this myself and I'm sure you'll hear people say to go stainless vs. aluminum, but from everything I've read and brewed so far your pot looks fine. That dark gray layer is oxidation and you want it to protect your beer from the raw aluminum of the pot....that said I've read several...
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    Driving the wife crazy

    Started brewing about three months ago and am always on HBT on my phone researching the next brew, learning techniques, troubleshooting problems, etc...didn't really notice how much until she actually said one day after asking me for the 100th time in a week..."what are you looking at on your...
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    2nd Batch ever - improvements & issues

    Another tip I picked up from a friend is don't hold the bottling wand directly, just use about a 1 1/2 inch piece of siphon tubing as a coupler between the spigot on the bucket and the bottling wand leaving the wand hanging pretty much directly off the spigot and freeing up one of your...
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    Done with kits

    I do it with 2 pots also, a 3 gallon to mash and my 7.5 to heat up the sparge water and boil. The 3 gallon holds 6lbs grain and 2 gallons water perfectly with almost no head space and I only lose 2 degrees during an hour mash using a few towels to insulate it. Guess I technically use a...
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    Good brew for hot weather at the lake

    Had this same idea few days ago when I found and brewed the Orange/Cascades pale ale from the American pale recipe page here on HBT...sound light, refreshing, and citrusy for spring
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    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    Was talking with a guy I just met and found out he considered himself a bit of a beer snob. When we got around to discussing styles of beer that we like I said that I enjoyed Milk Stouts over Dry Stouts. His response was that he had never tried a Milk Stout, that he had wanted to, but on the...
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    Gelatin vs. Cold Conditioning

    Pretty new here and was planning to gelatin my next brew in about a week. I've seen both opinions, but is it really necessary to add new yeast after gelatin if you plan to bottle?
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    Done with kits

    I'm right there with you just did my first BIAB last night after 2 extract batches...little more complicated, but ultimately more rewarding, at least to me...let you know in a month or so whether or not I was successful at stepping up my game...KCCO
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    Springtime/Summertime PM Recipe

    Just put my first batch of the orange/cascade pale ale from the recipe page in primary late last night for the spring and it smelled amazing going .02 for what it's worth...KCCO
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    angry orchard cider

    I've seen a couple of other threads about AO and as far as I've found no one has a good clone yet, but I've seen at least one other HBT thread guesstimating a maltodextrin addition and a "two step" diet thread (google able) that claims they add High Fructose Corn Syrup...personally I have no...
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    My DIY cider

    The only consistently negative comment I've heard about bread yeast is that it flocculates for crap, you'll have a pretty little yeast cake on the bottom of the bottle and someone sneezes two rooms away and a big silty cloud of yeast stirs up, but I have read where one mead brewer used gelatin...
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    Caramel Apple Hard Cider

    I actually had brewed this for a friend with Celiac's as my first try at cider and he loves it, so without lab analysis I'd say it's ok