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  1. songe

    adding diff spices to a stout

    Much appreciated
  2. songe

    adding diff spices to a stout

    So i have a good base for a stout, hops im using are EKG's, and they are the only ones. and this is a christmassy beer im starting now. so i got some dryed annise, and juniper. i dont know at what time to add them to make this tasty? any recomondations?
  3. songe

    Brewing a ginger session ale. Near explosive recipe

    Hmm. i might try to add ginger root at 60 min, 30 min, and then 10 min next time. coz i dont get the spicy tingeling sensation
  4. songe

    Brewing a ginger session ale. Near explosive recipe

    I might need to give this a try. the ver i added yesterday. damn its a heavy APA so you cant really drink a lot of it. but damn its good
  5. songe

    Input on recipe (2 questions)

    0.50 lb chocolate, and hmm how about .20 with the roasted. i think that shou be sufficient.
  6. songe

    Grainbill, and not that high SG

    well i think i wrote that i added about 6 gal of water prior to steeping, ooh well... im building myself a nice rims system soon anyways.
  7. songe

    Grainbill, and not that high SG

    Yeah i need to sparge in a fermenter bucket, then just dump it in my kettle. But still 18lbs of grains, Only the cara 30 was special malts. So it still weird that after 90 min i only got it up to .72 ish maybe i should try to isolate my kettle more. or just up my game, and build myself i rims...
  8. songe

    Grainbill, and not that high SG

    18lb should have given me 1.090 OG. I had about 6 gal of water before steeping the grains, after that uhm. probably 3.9 gallons, so i sparged the grains in the sack a bit more, and added water to bring it back to 6 gallons so that when boiling i wont loos so much.
  9. songe

    Grainbill, and not that high SG

    Well. so i had a heck of a lot grain to make a belgian strong ale. (18lb) Oddly enough after 90 min mash i did not get the desired OG before boil. Which is kinda odd. Might me my setup is too small for that amount of grains? And how do you guys calc the water loss in grain?
  10. songe

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Ginger pale

    So this turned out quite well for me. Im not totaly sure if this is the right amount, since i kinda eyeballed it. But its a great starting point. Grain bill 6kg pale malt 500g cara 30 Mash for 60 min at 64c Hops Cascade 20g at 60 min Cascade 10g at 30 min Citra 10 g at 30...
  11. songe

    Biab with blichman boil coil 120v?

    Why not just build a heat exchanger and add a pump to circulate the worth? if you want it might fancy, add a pid regulator to adjust temperatures out of the heat exch.
  12. songe

    Input on hop schedule

    So. im trying to make a new recipe from scratch. (last time i was so retarded i forgot to write down what i used. And hops.. well i just eyeballed how much to add....) and well it was a really delicious beer. So. This is going to be a Belgian golden ale, And im using a package of abbey dry...
  13. songe


    Mine looked kinda like that.. (IPA) but it had no sourness. And everything i used was sanitized the hell outa. So no idea how it became infected... But damn.. Thats the best ipa i ever had. But like some folks told you. Rack it into a smaller cardboy, and let it age. I enjoy sour ales
  14. songe

    Too much coriander!!

    yes it will disappear over time. like in wit beers. They need do be fresh ells all flavors will be gone
  15. songe

    Brewing a ginger session ale. Near explosive recipe

    i made a 3.9 gal batch with 22 oz of ginger. Im mad at myself that i did not weigh the hops, or wrote down at which time i added it. It tasted glorious.
  16. songe

    What's your profession?

    2nd Engineer on a supply vessel
  17. songe

    2 vessel system?

    Well... i dont have to room yet to set up my ideal system. So i do biabs right now. what i do is mash, train of the water in the bag, place the bag over a plastic fermenter, and just rinse the grains with 5 liters of water at 65c ish and just add it to my worth, then start boiling it. It gives...
  18. songe

    Wort chiller efficiency idea. Crude drawing.

    well... if you use a big bucket. cut two holes in it, one on top and one in the bottom. use a pump and fill the bucked with ice. And make it close loop. in this way you would not be wasting water.
  19. songe

    IPA Recipe Critique

    I would probably add 120g lemmon grass and 15 g ginger 120g lemmongrass at 10 min, just beat the **** out of it before adding it, and peel the ginger. and use a lighter crystal. i used 20l in my batch and not galaxy but another hop with the same alpha acid as it. it turned out quite...
  20. songe

    Need new idea for a brew

    So i was wondering on an input here. I screwed up last time not writing down what i brewed. just chose some stuff that i thought would go well to gether. and what do i get? one of my best brews until now. (My ipa bottle conditioning) So i have some hops left over in the freezer...