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  1. S

    Duck Dynasty

    I'm pretty sure it's scripted like all reality tv but I love it, it does have this sense of realness to it
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    calling all disc golfers.....

    The closest course is 30 mins away and right now it's hard to get time to go. I cant wait to get back out there though, It's something I can do alone and be completely peaceful....the disc golf course is my man cave haha
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    Very light stout

    It was a midwest extract kit, is that where my problem comes from? From all the reviews I wasn't expecting such a light bodied beer which is not bad just when I think of stout I don't think of a beer I want to be drinking in this Texas heat.
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    Very light stout

    Just curious if anybody has brewed a stout that came out with a watery feel? I'm going to let It sit for awhile but I'm not sure if that would even fix it. The taste is alright, better than I expected for being bottled for 17 days but the feel was like a bud light, hell maybe even lighter.
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    Delay firearm purchase?

    I went and talked with them tonight and they're suppose to hear something tomorrow...I doubt it but we will see what happens. My girlfriend wanted a pistol so I tried to tell them she wanted the same shotgun in hopes to have it by the weekend and then me buying a pistol when I cleared, probably...
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    Delay firearm purchase?

    Yeah. I had a felony arrest when I was 18 for possession but it was defered adjudication which as I understand it is not a conviction and only effect me getting a chl In which I'm just delayed several years. I think I'll show up tomorrow and make them call to see if there has been any changes.
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    Delay firearm purchase?

    Monday I took a trip down to walmart In hopes of walking out with a new Remington 870 Express but sadly when it was called in it came back delayed. Not a problem, I understand there are things on my background that would throw some flags but I am 100 legal to possess a firearm. I was told by the...
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    Where is Peyton Manning Headed? poll

    My vote is for Miami along with Reggie Wayne. With a new coaching staff and somebody like Peyton coming in and most likely being able to run the offense how he wants I see Miami easily becoming a playoff team, not to mention other offensive tools such as Bush and Marshal. I hope to see him...
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    Does Bottle Color Matter?

    Honestly I can't believe if you take care of your beer you will be able to destroy it in minutes. In fact I've drank plenty of beer in green and clear bottles that literally sat out in direct sun light all day and still tasted fresh. So even though I've left the Ice chest open and exposed the...
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    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    Lol I don't know why so many people hate Sam Adams...I'll never get tired of their Boston lager. I'm not sure what the worst beer I've had to date is...I'm not a beer snob yet but me and my friends drank some expired and hot lonestar back in high school which is the only beer I can remember not...
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    How much change to expect

    Lol yeah I have a feeling that will happen, but I will try and save a few. Maybe most of the batch because the next brew shouldnt take long...hopefully my real problem becomes not having enough space for all the beers I brew so I'm forced to let certain ones age.
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    How much change to expect

    I just bottled my Irish stout after fermenting for 17 days. I had a little left over and tasted it and it was pretty bitter, a little off, not sure how to explain it. I know It's flat and it still has atleast three weeks to age but I was just wondering can you even judge what your final beer...
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    Ever wondered how Ancient beer tasted.

    Well if you come across a time machine let me know, I'm down to go sample beer from different time periods.
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    Ever wondered how Ancient beer tasted.

    I saw a brewing a program on the history channel and DFH worked on replicating a beer they found in the tomb of King Midas, like you said probably not even close to the same but the process they used was kinda cool.
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    Drink your parisites away!

    If I drink to much I leak from my that good?
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    Boiled upwards of 170 +

    If you steeped them that high I'm not to sure how bad it could be, I did the exact same thing with the temp even a little higher and my stout seems to be okay. I don't see a point in worrying about it since It's already happened, just sit back and see what happens.
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    Plastic fermenter vs carboy?

    I wanted a glass carboy until I read that thread. "Many people have had to go to the hospital because of glass carboys. Gotta be careful with these things" I can just imagine to much pressure in it and BOOM! I think I'll take the feeling of safety over being able to actually see what's...
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    Using ice to sparge and cool down wort?

    So like me you added the ice directly to the brew kettle to cool and meet your total volume? If so how do you like the results vs doing it another way? When I did it, it cooled the wort damn near immediately. I thought maybe I added to much ice but it would seem all is normal with my beer so...
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    Period of Time in Primary

    You should have had a paper that came with the kit giving you the instructions on brewing. At the top right hand corner it will give you expected SG and FG
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    When to take hydrometer readings

    It's been 48 hours and the airlock stopped bubbling like crazy as it was earlier today, I know it doesn't mean much but it was fun to check on. Now I know I'll leave it in the fermenter for at least 3-4 weeks so is it pretty useless to even open the bucket until that point? Probably a dumb...