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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    GreenhouseTalk ?

    I've been looking for an online forum on greenhouses, but one with the members and following like this forum has (hard to find, I know). Looking for threads where people have compiled instructions, designs, and pictures on DIY topics centered around greenhouses, i.e. building the structure...
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    carbonated in the carboy?

    Did a high gravity, dark hazelnut brown ale. It's been in the carboy about two weeks, stopped bubbling about a week ago. I took a reading and its at 1.012 which should put me at 5.2% ABV. I tasted it and it tasted very carbonated, is there something wrong? It hasn't been bubbling, how can it...
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    Boost fermentation with magnets?

    Great oppotunity for a DIY progject. What do you think guys? Who's gonna be the first to try it out? Do you think this will be a better way to ferment?
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    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    I attempted to create a starter with a beaker and a homemade stirplate (fan and magnets) and a stirbar I borrowed. Used some dry malt to start it. I used Wyeast 3068, it was new, I didn't oxygenate at all, and I was fermenting at my room temperature (76 degrees). The second yeast was a...
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    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    I tried making this about two weeks ago. I was worried because everyone said that hefes will ferment vigorously (with risk to blow off) but it didn't. I had some light bubblage for a couple days and then it just stopped. Yesterday, I opened it up to bottle it and it didnt smell like beer, it...
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    filtering hops?

    leaving everything on top of the hops for a few weeks to ferment won't change the flavor?
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    filtering hops?

    First all grain brew this evening! I went straight into the carboy from the kettle without filtering the hops (used cascade pellets). Now my carboy is green and there is tons of stuff floating around. Is this ok, or do I need to get this stuff out before I pitch the yeast?
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    Crappy SA Summer Ale Quality

    I concur, the worst thing about complaining is doing so in a way that doesn't really give any feedback to the problem. You can't fix it if you don't know its broken ;) I to would like to know about teh SA Glass, does it make a big difference?
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    mead questions

    I've read fermentation to take a couple weeks in different carboys, and i've read to keep switching carboys for months; I've read carbonate it and don't carbonate it, what is mead usually? I've read fruit in the primary, and I've read fruit in secondary or tertiary. I've read use juice as...
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    Strawberry Cabana Mead

    Should it be primed with more honey or corn sugar before bottling?
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    Labels for my barrel aged beer

    I like that better as well. But "wrath" seems like such a dark concept. I think if that yellow background with black text was switched to black background with yellow text, it'll look even better. And the black compliments the picture more (theres no yellow in the photo).
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    Please Suggest Ingredients for Light Style Beer

    add water :D in all seriousness though, i hope someone can help ya
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    Widmer Hefe

    What are some of the differences between your honey wheat and a widmer?
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    Widmer Hefe

    Anyone got a good recipe? Had this last night for the first time, and I'm definitely a fan.
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    Turn anything into a primary fermenter!

    ^if its a food grade liner, it can't diffuse any oxygen through it right? Like the difference between the different types of PET plastics
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    Building a Wet Bar

    it would be really nice if there were some CAD plans posted somewhere :)
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    AG Monster

    how much were the burners and pumps? i hear it's popular to pull burners from broken hot water heaters and pumps from broken dish washers. did you consider doing something like that, or did you just want to go with all new stuff?
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    How many gallons of EdWort's Apfelwein have been made?

    1743.5 + 4.5 = 1748 gallons
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    AG Monster

    in that last picture, from left to right, what are the names of each keggle-device? i know MLT stands for mash lauder tun, but other then that... completely lost. looks great though!
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    Easy Steam Infusion Mash System

    it may not cause a whirlpool, but i definitely think it will keep it circulated. any kind of motor will have too many tiny places to clean mash out of. better off with a strong magnet stirrer