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  1. nwaite

    Can I use GT'S to start a SCOBY?

    Was about to start growing a SCOBY and read this ... Any one know if it's true and shouldnt wast my time starting one with a store bout bottle of Kombucha? Why can’t I grow a kombucha scoby from a store-bought bottle anymore? You may or may not remember the great kombucha recall of 2010...
  2. nwaite

    How do I start out?

    Could some one give me a walk though or point me to a good site on some step by step for a first timer please. I brew wine so im guessing I have some of the stuff needed to start. Any info would help . Thank you :)
  3. nwaite

    Please help.. Mold!!

    Ok so iv got a 1gal of some wine i started about a year ago sitting on my counter top .... about 2 months ago the airlock dried up an i didn't relies it and a bit of white ( im guessing mold) stuff was floating on top. being lazy :) i swished it around and fild up the air lock an walk away. Now...
  4. nwaite

    Were the post on reusing yeast?

    There was a good post on here about reusing your yeast ... it had pics and step by step instructions . I did it ones last year but cant remember how i did it and can find it on here again . Any one know were its at?
  5. nwaite

    Need help with a recipe please!

    My wife and I would like to start a gingerbread wine for next Christmas. We cant seem to find any thing on line for on ... even looked on Jack Keller. Any links or recipe ideas would be great. Thank you!
  6. nwaite

    I need some ideas.... got any?

    I want to make small batch using wild honey and some wild herbs. I have a bunch of cloves iv dried out. I would like to use a few different kinds and get a nice floral flaver. any ideas on what elts i can toss in there. I live in Maine and have tons of wild flower around.
  7. nwaite

    how am I doing?

    Ok I started my first gal bach of mead in February . 3lb honey 1gl water an few cups of black berries . Iv rack it 1ns about a month ago and added some more honey heated with more berries. I just racked it for the third time tonight . Not shore if it should be tasting good yat or not but it...
  8. nwaite

    bread yeast?

    Hey guys! So a friend of mine says he's going to make some brandy.... I ask how . Well prity much like a wine recipe but in stead of wine yeast you use bakers yeast and it will get ya up to 40% .... Any one know if this is true? An if it is wouldn't it taste like dig loss any ways?
  9. nwaite

    trader joe's mead?

    I was at a trader joe's in Maine today an went to the wine section. I noticed they had mead... It was $12 a bottle so the wife wasn't down for me grabbing one right then. I was wondering if any one has tried it an if it was good? Any feed back would be cool thanks.
  10. nwaite

    using washed yeast

    So I have some yeast from my last bach of wine an want to use to for my next one.... What do I do just toss her in or do a starter? If yes to the starter how do I go about doing this ? I know there's posts for this and I'm sorry for asking but I'm using my phone and it would take me all day to...
  11. nwaite

    Ageing ?

    I'm just wondering around how long most meads need to age before there good ? Is it about the same as wine? I made a blackberry mead. Only a gallon of it. Sooo when I do drink it I want it to be friggen prime time.
  12. nwaite

    C-brite question...

    I made a 3gal bach of this stuff so I can just dip every Thing in it. My question it how long is it good for? It's still potent smelling...
  13. nwaite

    funky wine....

    Well I just cleaned out my fruits and made a wine. Hand full of grapes , blackberries, blueberries , some mango , ginger, orange peels and a very berry tea bag.. around 2 cups Suger and some hard chunks of brown suger. Half pack of yeast nut, tannin . This is for 1g see how this turns out...
  14. nwaite

    a wine salad ...

    I have a bunch of random fruits in my frig ... An Apple some orange peals few grapes lemon .... Think it would be ok to just toss it all together for a gal mix?
  15. nwaite

    good stuff !

    Went to my friends last night an had some wines he made .. them he says " hey I have some cider I made a woke back iv never tried let open one". He had gotten some freshly squeezed Apple juice and just put it in a bucket with nothing at all :) no yeast or Suger . Let it sit then bottled it. It...
  16. nwaite

    not good!

    I'm on a date and trying not to fart cause it smells so nasty... So we finaly get to the rest rant and I excuse my self to the bathroom an there no tp ooomy.... Quick recon mission ,before I crap . And find some papertowels on a tabal :) . Just thought some one would get a laugh out of this .
  17. nwaite

    first mead ....

    Just put my first mead in to secondary and boy is she beautiful :) . It's a black raspberry with clove and orange blossom honey . Wish my camera worked its a nice dark pink ... Is it ok that I heated up some more berries and honey an toped it off with that?
  18. nwaite

    what would this do ?

    What would it do if I just mixed water yeast an Suger ? Just nasty or what
  19. nwaite

    oak chips ?

    Making a one gal bach of blackberry mead... Is it ok to toss oak chips in ? An how many should I do? There small blocks from the brew store. And at what points the best to use them?
  20. nwaite

    growing your own

    I have some different fruits growing wild on my land. Apples ,black berries , Small strawberries and some trees with different berries on then. I would like to start growing them so I can harvest a good amount in a controled environment . Do you guys know so good books and/or web pages I can...