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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. popecrisco

    Cider as an Christmas gift (Do I have time?)

    Hey guys, So my wife volunteered me to brew up some hard cider for her fellow teachers (what teacher doesn't like apples?) And I was thinking if I put express instructions to not open until xmas that would give a good 3.5 weeks for a primary, and a little more than a week for bottle...
  2. popecrisco

    AG Apartment or Transport Question

    So, it has been a while, almost a year, since my last brew day. Because of a drastic change in living arrangements. Next month I will officially be back on my feet and able to brew again, and I want to go from doing partial boil extract brewing to all grain full boils, but the situation isn't...
  3. popecrisco

    Never had mead, but curious to brew a batch..

    Hey all, Thinking of making some mead, but I dont have a reference point to what it is, other than a fermented beverage. I understand that it isn't carbonated, so is it more like sake or wine, or a distilled spirit? How would you describe this beverage to a newbie such as myself?
  4. popecrisco

    Adding coffee/fermintation question

    So, I have a high ABV choco stout that I am adding coffee to, but it seems that at this point the yeast has about finished converting sugar into Alcohol, and I wanted to add coffee before bottling. Does this need to be added to a second fermentation, or can I add the coffee at the time of...
  5. popecrisco

    So its quite obvious my mom isnt a craft beer drinker...

    Here is my mom, drinking one of my brother's home brews, from a straw. Her opinion on the beer? "It's not one of my Coors Lights"
  6. popecrisco

    Moving from the SE to Texas, what beer should i stock up on?

    so, things are not going well for this homebrewer, so I am moving back west to be with family, lick my wounds, and get back on my feet again. I have a little bit squirreled away, and will be putting a collection of east coast beers together that will get me through the transition back to...
  7. popecrisco

    Growler Carbonation

    Hey guys, quick question. Last weekend i pick up a couple growlers of beer while in NC for a wedding, today i open the first of the two, and while there is some carbonation, it is essentailly flat beer. Is this common? I went to the brewery (green man brewery) where this was made, and it had...
  8. popecrisco

    Man, I do love being on the East Coast

    Not ragging on the West coast.. I grew up in north Texas, and for the first 5-6 years of my drinking experience the only real "local" beers that i could buy easily would be Shiner, i could get a decent variety of west coast beers, but a lot of non BMC beer would have to be imports. I...
  9. popecrisco

    looking to do my first partial mash, high ABV brew...

    hey guys, planning on moving to partial mash from 2 LME and one DME brews, and i am looking for something kind of specific, An orange colored, and flavoed IPA with a nice strong ABV about 7-8% (or greater) (I want to call it Clobbering Time, after The Thing from FF Comic books) and am looking...
  10. popecrisco

    What beer to pick up in the Carolinas?

    Hey guys, weekend trip to Ashville from Atlanta, and looking to get some leads on what i should pick up when in different beer landscape. Wife, who went into town today has already picked up a few growlers. TIA Pope
  11. popecrisco

    man, it takes a lot of drinking to brew beer

    today i bout a couple 12 packs, a case for my weekly ration of beer, and another dozen that will be part of a pot luck that i am using to get more bottles. (cheaper than buying empties!) I've drank enough beer to know i really like beer enough to want to create it. I've drank enough beer...
  12. popecrisco

    How much sugar/honey

    hey guys, first batch of cider was nice, but a little light on the ABV percentage, and the carbonation is not very strong, just a little bit of bubbles out of the bottle. I would like to get to the 6-7% range on this next batch, and have some head on the poured drink, not just fizzy low abv...
  13. popecrisco

    Aaaaaaah! hating UPS right now!!

    so, i started brewing about a 5 weeks ago, and I brew my first beer, a pale ale (that i might pop a top off a bomber that i bottled the Sunday before last, later tonight), and im hooked. A couple weeks later i go out and i get a second primary fermentor and the ingredients for a brown IPA...
  14. popecrisco

    ready after 2 weeks, or should i wait a 3rd?

    so i took a sample of my first beer, its been fermenting 14 days, to the hour. fg is good at 1.010 (recipe has a target of 1.012), and after testing the gravity, i tested the flavor. for the most part it is a pale ale flavor, a tad on the lighter side of flavor, but a good beer twang...
  15. popecrisco

    noob priming question

    So, just as a simple experiment i got 3 half gallon jugs of motts apple juice, (one from concentrate, two that that are primarily apple juice with a little concentrate) added brown sugar to two bottles, leaving the extra"fresh pressed" without added sugar. split a pack of S-04 Dry Ale Yeast...
  16. popecrisco

    Does your SO support your brewing?

    I Just started brewing beer about 2 and a half weeks ago, but thus far my wife has been really supportive and excited about it. It took a little persuasion to let me take up another hobby that involves intoxication (I am an avid pipe and cigar smoker), but despite the results of my first beer...
  17. popecrisco

    not seeing any kraussen

    So, After a week in the primary, i took a quick peek to check on my beer by removing the airlock really quickly, and saw no kraussen on the sides of the barrel. just curious if this occurs occasionally or do i have reason for concern? its a DME pale ale, I did have imperfect issues when i...
  18. popecrisco

    Personal Nostalgia and Beer.

    So, I haven't really thought of this until recently, but beer really has had an impact on my life outside of it being a wonderful elixir and mood elevator. But often when I am feeling homesick I find myself drinking more Shiner Bock. Coming from Texas this was THE beer that people who were...
  19. popecrisco

    Lent sucks when you give up beer, and begin to obsess about beer.

    Well, for lent I gave up drinking quantity over quality, so Instead of drinking 24 or so adjunct beers m-th plus craft drafts at a local pub on the weekend, I have limited myself to 12 beers a week, all be it 12 craft beers. and it's going well overall thus far, to the point i will likely...
  20. popecrisco

    how much yeast?

    hey all, this week i am testing out 3 half gallon cider experiments (well closer to 60 ounces) and i will be using Nottingham ale yeast on 2 and trying to make a apple peel starter yeast that i saw on youtube for another. with the small volume that i am doing, would half a pack of the Nottingham...