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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Androshen

    Questions about cold crashing ...

    How long does it *typically* take to cold crash a 5 gallon carboy of mead? I ask because I have 5 gallons of chocolate mead and the chocolate powder insists on staying in suspension - making the mead VERY cloudy. I started the batch last March and would really like to get it into bottles ...
  2. Androshen

    Aging ...

    I was hoping that some old pros could clear something up for me .... I have had some people tell me (and I found sites that agree with them) that indicate ALOT shorter shelf life for beer and wine than I had thought. For beer I have been told that it goes bad after about 6 months in the bottle...
  3. Androshen

    saving a botched batch ......

    I totally hosed a batch of GF homebrew and was hoping to find a way to save it ... Long story short ... the batch called for 8 oz of syrup and 8 oz of molasses, I was short the syrup so used 16 oz of molasses. Baaaaaaaad idea - the stuff is basically undrinkable. What I was wondering was ...
  4. Androshen

    Calculating ABV

    I am having problems calculating my ABV ... I had been using the formula (OG - FG) X 105 = ABV but my friend (who are more experienced drinkers) all tell me that the ABV is considerably higher than what I have calculated. I have since checked online and found the following formulas ... also for...
  5. Androshen

    Calculating ABV

    I am having problems calculating my ABV ... I had been using the formula (OG - FG) X 105 = ABV but my friend ( who are more experienced drinkers all tell me that the ABV is considerably higher than what I have calculated. I have since checked online and found the following formulas ... also...
  6. Androshen

    Very Pleased ...

    My swmbo and I tried our first attempt at Joam last night and were **VERY** pleased .... :mug: Only problem is that she now is declaring that this is the only mead that we will be making from this point on .... :( I hope some of the prior batches will help dissuade her when they mature .... ;)
  7. Androshen

    What is happening with my rhubarb wine?

    About a month ago I racked my rhubarb wine for the final time and it looked about like a typical white wine. Since then it has been slowly darkening ... I added absolutely *nothing* but it is now about the color of an ice tea. Any ideas why this would happen?
  8. Androshen

    This can't be done yet ... can it?

    On 3-22 I started a batch of chocolate mead and right now it seems to have stopped. It was bubbling furiously for days when I started it. 16 lbs of honey 32 ozs of nesquik 5 tsp acid blend 5 tsp yeast nutrient Lalvin EC-1118 Enough water to fill the 6 gallon carboy. OG was 1.110...
  9. Androshen

    Trying out a GF Kit ....

    My wife and I really liked the way our first batch turned out but we decided to try a kit for the next batch. We only found 2 GF kits online ... both from the same place. This is the one we are trying: I want to...
  10. Androshen

    My first batch is finally in bottles!

    This is my first batch! Started last July ...... Cannot wait to try this out! Hope to have enough patience to wait until Thanksgiving ...... These boxes were cool, but what a pain to build without a shop!
  11. Androshen

    What gets ready fast?

    My friends are beginning to eye my fermenting/aging stock with curiosity and maybe a tad impatience .... they want to sample something and I know what I have will not be ready for quite some time. So, I may have to one of the quicker recipes to give them (and my wife and I) something to enjoy...
  12. Androshen

    Oak chips

    I have a mead in a 6 gallon carboy that I had started back in July. Is it too late to add oak chips? If not, how much for a 6 gallon carboy and what is the best method to employ them ... just dump them in? Fermentation finished on this some time ago .... I am just letting it age and letting...
  13. Androshen

    Are there any certified gluten-free yeasts for wine making?

    My wife is celiac and it never occurred to me until I saw it mentioned in these forums that yeast may not be gluten-free. Does any one know of any yeasts for wine making that are gluten-free? I know that Wyeast has a couple for beers but they did not have any mention of any for wines.
  14. Androshen

    Henrietta resident ... suburb of Rochester, NY

    I am so glad to have found this forum this past fall .... I had just started experimenting with mead and wine this summer and stumbled onto the treasure trove of advice, tips and ideas that is found on this site. My wife is celiac and so cannot have regular beer and since GF beers are expensive...
  15. Androshen

    Is it done or not?

    I have a mead that the SG has not changed on in over a week but when I shine a light through it there is so much bubble action it actually appears carbonated. Would it be safe to bottle yet? Or will I end up with cases of bottle bombs?
  16. Androshen

    My first batch ....

    OK .... I have the grains roasting and I hope to have this started tomorrow evening .... Here is what I have put together from here and advice from my local home brew store: 1 lb white quinoa (roasted) 1 lb buckwheat groats (roasted) 6 lbs white sorghum syrup 8 oz molasses 8 oz maple...
  17. Androshen

    degassing ....

    Is degassing really necessary? My fermentation looks to be about done and I was going to let it sit in the carboy for about a couple of extra months ... will I still need to degass? And if so ... what it the easiest / best process?
  18. Androshen

    Grain roasting times

    I had seen this info but could not find it again .... If I am going for a rich medium amber color, what should the roasting temps/times be for the following unmalted grains: buckwheat, quinoa and millet?
  19. Androshen

    How is the best way to top off a carboy?

    I was wondering what methods experienced mead makers use for topping off their carboys after racking .... I have been using water but my wife complains that I am ruining the mead by "watering it down". What other methods do people use?
  20. Androshen

    Did I do something wrong or am I just impatient?

    I started my first mead on July 22 ... My first rack was September 12. I sampled it at this point and it tasted promising. The bubbles slowed considerably after that racking. On September 19 I racked again in order to add a gallon of Honeycrisp Cider. The bubbling picked back up for a week...